@SwampertTube ratio + she's hot
Dead forum post, but I wouldn't mind helping if there's ever more need.
Thanks, i got some runs done with different music.
I like to listen to music during my streams, but it would mute the game audio. Is this fine?
Hey, buddy. there's something called an opinion. Just because you dislike the game doesn't mean it should be deleted, invalidating all the hard work from mods and runners. That's stupid. If you don't like the game and its community, don't interact with us? WeirdChamp
edit: thanks for the gold reddit Kappa
@Komrade updated it, thanks. Still working on restreaming.
I am setting up a gaming marathon for COVID relief (Direct Relief), and am hoping to get some more runners and/or donations. As it is my first run marathon, any help would be appreciated. Join the discord here https://discord.gg/bw5et9y
You can run any game as long as it is less than 5 hours, as we want to not have too much of the day consumed by one run. The date is May 29th-30th.
Name: GamesDoneBadly 2020 Venue: Online Charity: Direct Relief (COVID-19) Date: From May 29th-30th (May change by a few days based on how many runs are submitted) Mods: me, @TheBadSpeedrun and @Cuboe Stream page: https://www.twitch.tv/gdb2020 Thanks!
You need the latest version of this emulator https://github.com/Dabomstew/gambatte-speedrun/releases , and a ROM of Pokemon Red (Which I am not allowed to provide.)
I didn't even notice the games I moderate were disabled for the duration. Thanks :)