Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever11 months ago

I'm already in that discord myself but I don't have any control on this board. I'm all for it though if that matters at all. I'm pretty excited for the remaster.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I convinced the developer to add 1.1 back as a launch option so now the old version is still available if you want to run that one. I'm still testing the 1.2 update (and there will be a 1.2.1 update soon) so I'm not going to update the leaderboards until all this testing/updating is complete.

MildGothDaddy to się podoba
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Ok yeah I've already found some stuff that's different. Reincarnation ending I had some issues in the apartment. We didn't use to pick up the screwdriver but it looks like we're going to have to do that from now on. I'll spend more time in the coming days trying to find more differences but yeah it's looking like we're in for some changes here.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago


There's a huge new update for Into the Gloom. I'll try to spend some time in the next week or two playing through and testing things. It looks like a lot of glitches were fixed and some things were changed so after I look through everything I'll try to determine if we need to separate the leaderboard by version played. I'll let you all know what I find and definitely let me know if you all find anything as well.

You can read all about the changes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/342350/view/6441906068950839782?l=english


Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I moderate a lot of boards. There were multiple updates over the course of that 7 months (not a year) while I was trying to plan what we could do to handle the problem. A problem, I might add, that I'd never seen before on any game I moderate and still to this day have not seen again. The plan, as I understood it at the time, was for the developer to release with one set of levels and then at full release add more levels. Instead nearly every update brought new levels (and changes to levels) - all while people were running it. And then every time we thought the game was done, the developer updated it again. You weren't around back then, you have no idea what was going on. And throwing a tantrum just b/c I won't help you pad out your WR total is ridiculous childish behavior. If you really cared about the game you'd 1) get community support for your request, or 2) you'd run the full game, or 3) you'd even run the IL's without a leaderboard b/c 99% of us don't run for records - we run because it's fun and we enjoy doing it. I have NEVER (and will never) cater to the whims of a single runner. The community as a whole decides what goes on my boards. If you want to act like this, I suggest you find a different community. I will not be very welcoming to you at this point. I've been extremely active here for 5+ years and I moderate 37 different leaderboards. I do the best I can and while my actions on this board have not been perfect (admitting as much in a previous forum post), I did the best I could under the circumstances. As I also said in that post - hindisght is 20/20. It's easy to look back and tell people what they should have done. At the time I did the best I could with the information I had to try to make people happy. And they seemed happy with it until you came along. So if you want to keep being negative then find a new space. If you have actual helpful contributions to make and can do it without being so negative, by all means please do.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

If I see more demand for it then I'll consider adding IL runs (if any other runners see this and want to run IL then make your voice heard in this thread) but until that happens, I'm not adding all those levels just for one person. Sorry.

The game has been out 3 years and has 7 total runners. There is no point to me adding IL runs just for one person to pad out their WR total. We get a few more people to request it and then I'll consider it.

wątek: Paratopic
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

we could do that too. I'm not too worried about it right at the moment since no one is tied with 4th and 5th and top 3 times all have videos. And I verified them back when you ran it so I know the video existed. But if it comes down to it, we could do .999. Let's see what the future holds.

wątek: Paratopic
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

4th and 5th place on PC leaderboard no longer have videos that we can double check so they've sticking with 000 for milliseconds but if we end up with a tie for either of those places on the leaderboard, I may have to remove them to make it fair since there is no longer video evidence for them.

Also for the 2 Switch times, I had to download them and go frame by frame to triple check the times and retime with millseconds. As a result, the new world record from yesterday is actually 2nd place. It was very close but after going frame by frame the old time was slightly better. I should have done it the second I saw how close they were yesterday but I didn't really have time so I did it today. Sorry if you were excited for the WR Seb.

wątek: Paratopic
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

All, due to a 3-way tie for World Record on the PC version I have decided to add milliseconds to the leaderboard. I will be retiming most of your runs today but I've already done the 3 that were tied for first on PC.

Just wanted to let you know we'll be using ms from now on.

wątek: Paratopic
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I separated Switch and PC. That's the only difference I can see but since Switch loads so slowly, it does seem to take an additional 10 to 20 seconds which would give PC a pretty unfair advantage. We could also change where time starts but until I put some thought into that, the leaderboards have been separated for the time being.

Archmagus to się podoba
wątek: Paratopic
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

They're running on Switch, that version doesn't even have achievements. But yes, if people want it then I need to see some runs. You don't need a category to start running something but I need a run to create it otherwise I assume there's no interest. Lots of runners SAY they'll run something and then never do. So if you want it, show me the run.

wątek: Claire
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Yeah that's probably for the best. I think that's the easiest/best way to do it.

wątek: Claire
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

PS TV (which is still technically the Vita version) seems to be the slowest so far. Loads on that are not amazing.

wątek: Claire
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Yeah I honestly don't know if it changes anything or not. And I know it's not a popular game or anything but I just wanted to point out that eventually someone might run on Switch or Xbox or Vita or something that isn't listed. I think all the console versions are the Extended Cut and are the same. I think PC is the only one that's different. I haven't tested Switch yet but I've tested PS4, PS5, and Vita and they're definitely all the same (although loads are a tiny bit slower on Vita from what I can tell).

wątek: Claire
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Might want to add Switch and Xbox to the console list as it's released on those now.

Do I submit under PS4 if I'm playing via backwards compatibility on a PS5 or do you want to add PS5 as well?

wątek: Valley
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I've been testing this off and on over the last couple weeks and I finished a glitchless run in 1 hour 7 minutes and there's plenty of time to be saved on that so theoretically it can be done in under an hour so I think it's reaonsable to try to get it added as a category.

wątek: Valley
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I'd probably run this too tbh

wątek: Zombi
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Interesting. Yeah I think it's best to split the board, not that it affects me too much as I own the game on every platform so I can play it wherever. But to keep it so console can even try to compete, might have to do it.

I also have a 3060Ti and dual 144hz monitors and yeah it seems like it works pretty well on my system.

wątek: Sizeable
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

I just made some updates to the board, added a couple categories, changed the old categories, etc. I moved your run to the new Any% board. I still need to watch a couple of the runs on the board just to make sure they weren't on 1.6 or later (I don't think they are but I need to make sure). Take a look at the changes and see if they make sense to you.

wątek: Sizeable
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

When they did the feature complete update I thought they were finished then but after that then I kept getting notified about game updates so I kept putting it off but looking through the patch notes maybe they didn't keep adding past version 1.6 in Sep 2022. But yeah Steam kept notifying me that the game was getting patched so I was trying to hold off until it was done, done. I guess I'll have to put all the runs (except that newest one you did) on a pre version1.6 board or something. IDK this is a weird situation where they just kept adding levels and now all the runs completed all different numbers of levels lol. I'll figure something out, let me look into it a little.

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