Would you guys like to see a Death% category added?
It would be able to be ran in both Maze and Story mode.
Just die as fast as you can.
Tell me your opinions
Since this category is now dead, in an attempt to bring in some more runs, I have added the other worlds to these categories, this includes "The Skies" , "The Shadows" , "Spooky Summit"
I just noticed that in most of the categories to do with gamemodes, wipeout is missing from them.
Recently I've tried to do multiple speedruns for this game, but every time i record (with OBS) OBS is incredibly laggy and the frame rate of video is about 1 frame every 6 seconds. Does anyone know why?
Just to inform everyone on three things.
Time starts at spawn on the frame that you start throwing your teammate across the cliff
Having both POV's are preferred, but for the time being it is OK to have 1 POV (however the run time will end when your POV reaches the given altitude
If you are trying to get a successful throw at the start but you keep on missing, on the video, have the link send me to the time that the run fully starts. You can do this by right clicking the video and clicking Copy Video URL at Current Time. This just helps me get through submissions easier.
Thats all, thanks!
Hello, I have just been added as a moderator to this category! I am active and expect your runs to finally be verified!
Mate, we need active mods, cos its been 4 months since i posted my run and nothing. Add a mod, doesnt have to be me, anyone, who will be an active mod.
just today i attempted to launch pvz gw2 to do a speedrun, but while loading it popped up with "failed to retrieve save data" and i am given the choice of either not playing, or losing all my data and starting from the begin. I cant play. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and if there is a fix to this?
so since October the moderators added Time Without Loads to make the speedruns easier between PC and console. But while speedrunning should I pause the timer when I'm loading or do I leave it and the moderators/verifiers will calculate it?