There's no need for additional money in any of the categories. Thankfully so since the 5x money only applies after getting the MG in the first place. IIRC getting the MG is a roughly 2.3% chance when buying Ceramic Pot stacks of 5 or more. The game will then give you 50 jewels instead of 10 when hitting the gourd percentage again. That being said the MG is only used in the 100% category and then again, not for money purposes. But thanks for pointing out anyway. :)
I see, will look into that. How do I prevent Keali from using potions then, though? Manually cure after every fight or not have them on Auto throughout the tree?
Oh boy, so basically she ran out of magic because I didn't seed often enough? That's rough. Thanks, Ten.
Hey there, on my third run yesterday I had an issue where the teleporter in Windia wouldn't activate. I'm rather sure I did the setups in the correct order.
My notes for the glitches:
Yesterdays VOD, beginning at the first important menu setup:
I compared my VOD to the tutorial and couldn't spot any difference. I'd assume there MUST have been something I messed up but I couldn't figure out what it was. Since I can't explain why that happened I was hoping someone has any kind of advice on what could've gone wrong. Thanks!
Afaik Zheal's tutorial is the only English tutorial to this day. Altough it might be a bit dated in some spots, the essentials remain the same, so I don't see any issue with that.
Hi. Requesting mod for Radical Rex ( I've tried contacting the current mod 2 weeks ago and haven't gotten a reply. Said mod has been inactive for about 8 months.
Hey there. Requesting mod for the SNES game Radical Rex. Current mod has been offline for 4 months. Thanks.
Me and some friends have been running the game pretty much since it came out, but we've been playing No OoB exclusively, since we like it more than any%. So we were wondering why there isn't a No OoB category on the leaderboards yet, as it was kind of the main category in the 1st game? Also having a separate category might encourage more people to run No OoB I assume, so we'd be happy to see it happen on the leaderboard. :)