QuébecAcmlm3 years ago
  • Numbers are the "major" areas in order (1 is floor 1's first part, 2-5 is trials, 6-9 is upper floors)
  • Letters are encounter zones within each area (separated by purple lines on the maps)

So "1b" for example is the second zone in the first area (introducing Man-Ape and Dark Jelly, level 4), "3d" is the last zone in Trial of Courage (Grimfowl and Minotaur, level 15), and yes the enemy areas listed are ranges.

I wrote this before I found the actual data in the ROM, but (after looking back and comparing) I only missed a few:

  • Jackobutch, War Lizard (4e-5a -> 4e-5b)
  • Reaper (6b -> 6a-6b)
  • Gollum (8d -> 8d-9a)
  • Centaurian (9c -> 9b-9c)

More specifically, the encounter zones are defined like this:

  • Zone level
  • Odds of spawning 1/2/3 enemy groups
  • 8 possible enemy groups, with enemy id, odds of being selected, odds of spawning 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 enemies

As for what the zone level does, it only determines the chance of running away (as explained in a previous post), and whether Peace works.

4aiman to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm3 years ago

I ran it for fun once, but it's really a meme category at best:

The route was:

  • Build just enough to get 10000 population in the first year, and spend most of the money (less than $2000 left)
  • Once you get City and the Bank gift, take a loan and spend it (have less than $500, including tax income)
  • At budget time, you can't pay the loan so you get fired (is there even another way?)

With timing from first input, it might be better to build bigger and reduce waiting times

But I like this ending better:

QuébecAcmlm4 years ago

Having glitchless as "no trader glitch" only (or no major glitches, allowing renames and minor skips) makes sense and I'd be fine with it, "Defeat Dark Sol" would also be fine for no credits warp (but should still go to the ending).

So the categories would be:

  • Any% (with credits warp)
  • No credits warp / Defeat Dark Sol
  • Glitchless / No trader glitch / No major glitches
  • Maybe misc. with shorter categories (krab%, trials)

And all of them even have an existing run now ...

SchmidttyGames to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm4 years ago

Various info or data I had:

https://imgur.com/a/X6lfu4s - Maps of each floor and trial (made from the ones on vgmaps.com) with paths and trader items https://pastebin.com/CmbiS0H3 - Item data https://pastebin.com/kwhc44ZE - Enemy data and zone levels https://pastebin.com/i09v1VRR - Enemy data 2 https://pastebin.com/XdSjUW6y - Character stats, gains per level and EXP

The chance of running away is determined by the hero's level (even when he's dead) minus enemy encounter level (either by zone or special encounter):

  • 2 levels below or more: 25%

  • 1 below to 1 above: 50%

  • 2 to 4 above: 75%

  • 5 above or more: 100%

  • Add 25% per failed attempt (so even at very low levels, it usually takes 2-3 tries and never more than 4)

  • Bosses and some mini-bosses are always 0% chance

  • Special encounters (crabs, Killwaves, etc.) are set on specific tiles/directions and usually happen at 1/4 chance (a few are 1/2)

  • Water encounters are always set facing a puddle on each side and can be avoided by facing away (walk backwards and turn). The first puddle in Truth and Wisdom (each) is actually a mini-boss and only set on one side, a few other puddles don't have encounters

  • Some other events or mini-bosses are skippable by walking backwards (crab encounters, Tortolyde rolling cutscene, floor 3 Blackbone, text before Dark Knight)

  • After a fight, normal encounters don't happen until you move again (not just turn around) or open the status screen. Poison damage can also be avoided by only turning around

  • On MP drain tiles, bonking into a wall (before turning) cancels the effect

  • Items like Firesword and magic ring break at 1/8 chance (and disappear on the next use), but Light Blade never breaks

  • Enemy moves with status effects have fixed chances (Poison 25%, Paralyze 12%, Sleep 25%)

  • Milo or Pyra attempting to run away (hero dead) use Defend at the same time, so they take half damage

  • Enemy HP starts at 75-125% of its base value (capped to 100%)

  • Physical damage is (ATK - DEF)/2, a critical hit is 2x ATK (or 1.5x for most enemy criticals)

There's probably more I'm forgetting, and other fun but less useful things, but that's mostly what I had during the runs (and some routing, but nothing not seen in the runs).

Good luck if you run it soon!

QuébecAcmlm4 years ago

The maps here should explain it: https://imgur.com/a/ecQvrQt

  • First you have to enter enough extra spaces (at least 9 after Pyra's name) with the name glitch, which will give 7 bronze knives and extend the item list into map data

  • Step on all orange tiles in the first map above (each one will add an item to the Trader)

  • Avoid red tiles (they'd end the item list)

  • After the Trials, pick up 1 item at the Trader to shift the explored tiles by half a row

  • Follow the second map's path to add more items and get (at what should be the 68th slot) item id 0C, then visit the Trader again, and enter the castle to finish the game

The next 2 maps show where I get the items for no credits warp (after "FTTTTTTT" from the name glitch), except there's also map shifts involved to get the Medallion and more Barrier Rings (follow my run's exact route before entering floor 2).

Krab% does seem like a decent short category, slightly different from any% by not having to grind after, although it'll depend more on RNG to finish it at Level 6 (pretty low chance but it's possible). There's also the possibility of using the Japanese version for faster text (but no name glitch).

It'd be great to see more runs of this game :)

SchmidttyGames to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm4 years ago

I also ran this for a while a few months ago when I figured out the trader glitch and found route improvements (full explanation here), and even the full game could have multiple categories:

Any% (2:38:07) This is pretty much Trials%, but then uses the trader glitch to skip the rest of the game (the trader's 68th item overwrites a plot advance variable, so you can get the "Dark Sol defeated" castle state)

Any% no credits warp (4:21:04) Same as the 8 hour run, but with much better use of the trader glitch to get items early, sub 4 should be possible

Any% glitchless: I haven't tried it but I'd estimate about 10 hours (same route until the last Trial, then much more grinding)

I haven't submitted my run to the leaderboard yet because of timing differences (I timed from name/speed entry to credits start, the old run is from castle cutscene to Dark Sol defeated, and the credits warp skips Dark Sol), but the "no credits warp" run would still work (it'd be 4:20:16).

SchmidttyGames to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm6 years ago

Inside dungeons, when getting hit:

  • In blinking state, skip (exit)
  • Set the blinking state ($640E=08) and reset its frame counter ($664D=00), which ends the blinking state after 80 frames
  • If HP < 2 ($60FD), game over (exit)
  • Lose 2 HP

Outside dungeons:

  • The blinking state isn't checked, so you can get hit really fast
  • Set the blinking state ($60FB=FF) and don't reset the blink counter ($60FC), which ends after 160 frames (40 blinks) total
  • Lose 1 HP
  • If HP = 0, game over

Inside dungeons, when getting a heart drop:

  • If HP >= 48, skip
  • Gain 1 HP

Outside dungeons:

  • Gain 2 HP
  • If HP >= 48, reset to 48

So the way to do it would be:

  • Enter a dungeon and get either full life or any even amount (if a heart drop gains a pixel on the life bar, you got it)
  • Take damage until HP = 0 (empty bar) then exit
  • Getting hit outside will underflow to 255

The underflow happens as soon as you get hit, but doesn't refresh the life bar until you scroll (or open the menu).

BootlegPickle to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm6 years ago

I thought it was silver arrows, but apparently not ...

I checked RAM changes and it really only gives 1 arrow (and clears the chest), with no other effects.

QuébecAcmlm6 years ago

That was one of the last things I found since it's not obvious (the other last thing being the smith quest for a sword upgrade), but it does exist and it's near where Quake should be.

It's in the top-left corner of the zora area, reachable right after getting flippers: https://i.imgur.com/P1CNhOH.png

I also had a 100% run here, it's only a few minutes longer than any%:

QuébecAcmlm6 years ago

I looked into it just now, and the exact condition for opening the door is:

  • Link is 2 tiles to the right from the pot (where you'd push the block to the left), facing any direction
  • The block is 1 tile to the right from the pot (but at any Y coordinate, so pushing up or down first still works)
  • The pot is lifted -> Pressing A will move the block left by 1 tile and open the door

The block's X position is already set properly before you push it from above, so you can skip that part completely and just do:

  • Lift the pot
  • Move 2 tiles to the right from where the pot was
  • Press A (throw the pot)

This is quite similar to the big key in eastern (opening its chest before it spawns), great coding there ...

BootlegPickle to się podoba
QuébecAcmlm7 years ago

Premièrement, un gros merci à tous pour l'événement, ça m'a enfin donné la chance de venir (tout près de chez moi, contrairement au AGDQ) et voir des runners d'ici live (et l'inverse!). En premier je ne savais pas trop à quoi m'attendre puisque c'était ma première fois et je ne connaissais pas tellement le monde, puis j'ai tenté ma chance avec 3 de mes meilleurs runs et ça a bien marché. J'ai passé vraiment du bon temps avec quelques-uns (un peu tout le monde, en fait) et c'est sûr que je voudrai retourner les prochaines fois.

À part de ça, mes commentaires:

  • J'ai trouvé un peu drôle le donation incentive de Super Metroid Redesign qui semblait trop loin (850->1167 / 1500$) juste pour ensuite être largement dépassé durant Mario RPG (1420->2600$). Et tous les _420.69 et 69.69 qu'on a atteints

  • La capture composite 240p/480i (NES/SNES/Genesis/N64/Wii/etc.) était floue et (on dirait) downscalée un peu avant de l'agrandir pour le stream, voici un exemple pour montrer ce que je veux dire: http://imgur.com/a/XmIU8 (S-Video serait vraiment bien aussi, mais ça prendrait le splitter, entrées TV et tout). Par contre la capture HD était bonne et les layouts aussi

  • Les problèmes techniques évidemment, mais ça s'améliorait déjà durant le marathon (après ALttP au moins) et je n'ai vu qu'une coupure de quelques secondes (et sur TV seulement) pendant Minish Cap

  • Pendant ALttP, j'entendais seulement le côté gauche du son (mais des deux bords) et donc presque rien de ce qui se passait à droite de l'écran (comme la bombe que j'ai interrompue trop tôt dans Thieves' Town ...), et le commentaire était un peu trop bas, mais pendant Dr. Mario c'était bon

  • Le micro (le bout qui tenait derrière la tête) était un peu serré pour moi et ça devenait incomfortable après une heure

  • Une des caméras était inversée (en miroir), mais ça devait être pour garder le même angle vers les joueurs de chaque côté (console ou PC)

  • Le coin pour pratiquer était bien, mais juste assez grand pour les runs à venir (2 consoles + quelques PC/HDMI), mais encore là je dis ça un peu à cause de ma course de randomizer (avec darko) qui a presque due être interrompue alors que d'autres venaient pratiquer, et il y avait souvent des places libres sinon.

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