Found a small Chapter 21 Timesave
7 years ago

Hey guys

Since i don't know where i can spread information to this Community i make a thread here.

Today i found a small little Timesave in Chapter 21. You clip Out of Bounds and jump into the Cutscene.

I made a comparision Video. It saves about 5 Seconds if done fast.

There are a couple of things to consider. The clip itself is pretty easy, but the jump is pretty tricky. Right now i can't get it consistantly and if you fail the jump you die. And failing the jump loses more time than it can save. So you should not go for it until you can do it consistently. But i think with a bit of practice you should be able to get it pretty consistent.

Also in the comparision video, where i get the Skip i don't have Combat Speed, which would save about 1 more Second. You get Combat Speed in Chapter 20 outside of the Church, if you die or reset Checkpoint in Chapter 21 you lose it. You can see that in the Comparision Video where the Nate without Skip goes down the first pair of Stairs slightly quicker.

What ya think guys?

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