How to download and run Goime 500 (v1.0, v1.3, v1.14 and v1.15) using Flash Projector
Zaktualizowany Gave2haze
przez - Download the zip file from ''
- Download the Flash Player Projector for your system from '' (Note that the Flash Player Projector is not an installer, it is a standalone player)
- Unzip ''
- Open your chosen .swf file with the Projector program you downloaded!
If you want to delete your save data to make starting a new game slightly quicker, on Windows you can go to:
[your username]/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/[some nonsense string that's probably the only subfolder in SharedObjects]/localhost/[game version].swf/
and delete goime2.sol. (Please note that "[game version].swf" is a folder, not a swf.)
Under localhost, it might actually be located under Games/Flash/[game version].swf/. Dunno what causes this.
Thanks to thecnoNSMB for making 99% of this guide! Didn't want to edit their previous guide so made this new one.
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