Downpatching to v1.0.5
5 years ago

Here's how to downpatch your game to v1.0.5.

  1. Open the Steam Console (choose the easiest for you):
  • open the Run window (win + R), type steam://open/console and press Enter.
  • create a shortcut to steam on the Desktop, right-click and go to Properties, add -console to the target, click Apply and Ok and open the shortcut.
  • run steam from a console with the -console option (ie: $ steam.exe -console).
  1. Paste the following command into the console and press Enter:
  • for PC: download_depot 771810 771811 1968959965336715170

The steam console will start downloading the patch, however it will give you no indication of progress so you will just have to wait it out. Once it is finished, the console will print out a line that says something along the following: Depot download complete : "\Steam\steamapps\content\app_771810\depot_771811" (580 files, manifest 1968959965336715170)

  1. Open the folder specified by the console and copy everything inside.
  • There should be a folder called TSWSM_Data, an executable called TSWSM.exe and a steam_api.dll.
  1. Navigate to your TSWSM installation directory (\Steam\steamapps\common\The spy who shot me™) and:
  • if you want to keep the most recent update so you don't have to re-download it, make a new folder and dump all of contents inside.
  • if you don't want to keep the most recent update, delete everything inside except for the \Steam\steamapps\common\The spy who shot me™\Saves folder.
  1. Paste the depot files into the installation directory.

  2. Exit Steam.

  3. Navigate to your steamapps folder (\Steam\steamapps), look for appmanifest_771810 and open it in a text editor:

  • look for StateFlags key and set its value to 4
  • look for UpdateResult key and set its value to 0
  1. Save the file and re-open Steam. You've successfully downpatched your game!

Note: You may need to repeat step 5 whenever future updates happen.

To undo all of this, simply navigate to your steamapps folder (\Steam\steamapps), delete the appmanifest_771810 file and restart steam. As a disclaimer, I suggest you delete the game folder as well and let Steam download the game from scratch.

Let me know if anything if you have any questions, if anything needs to be changed or anything's not working for you.

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