Does anyone have a route for me?
9 years ago
Manitoba, Canada

I REALLY enjoy this game and would LOVE to play it, is there any resource other then just knowing the basic route of the game?

any skips? sequence breaks?


Right, there's not really a fixed route for the game quite yet.

for example, whilst i based my route on Braster's (JP Runner), for a large section of the game i do things in a very different order, and i fight some bosses in very different ways. I think Itoshira is also creating his own route for NG aswell.

i'll shoot you my (now slight less incredibly rough) notes though: Ignore all the lines about saves (that's my practice saves), and the "PB"s after boss names are the fastest i've ever done the fight on NG speedrun strength that i actually took note of. some of those have like zero consistency(Dullahan -.-).

to use my notes, you WILL have to know pretty much exactly where you have to go and what you have to do to complete the story by memory. You'll probably also need to watch my shitty quality VOD for some of the chests because i is ass at giving directions(Guinevere -.-).

Not really any skips or sequence breaks discovered yet. As usual with tales games, not that many people on the case right now.

if you have any more questions, feel free to either post here or dm me on twitch or wherever and i'll try and get back to you asap.

do keep in mind that the game is in it'd early days. we're not entirely 100% sure on what route/order/strats are the fastest by any means. that will probably develop over the next 6-12 months, depending on how much time people have to complete runs, since they're fairly long.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

As FellVisage stated, our routes are based on Braster's run, but we let our own playstyle flow into the route so it is nothing like a "general" route. The problem with ToZ is, that you can, more or less in NG, customize the route to your own playstyle and do what feels the best for you. I have no online notes so far yet, everyhing is still local and not finished yet (I still need to route and note the final part after Cerberus).

United Kingdom

Hey guys, so I'm starting to learn New Game any%, and since they're the only notes around that I've found for now I was going to use FellVisage's, but I have a question already. Mainly: "Start checking shop for Amber Sword, Amber Earrings, Amber Circlet." (line 63) - I assume this is because you're looking for specific skills or price on the items, but I'm not entirely sure what?


Gonna post here to clarify for people who may be curious in the future even though i already talked to you about it:

Basically, you're just looking to upgrade those 3 items because you want the extra offensive stats to make early fights go faster. everything important that that shop stocks other than those 3 is either in a chest or a defensive item.

If there's multiple of a single item in the shop, take ones with stat boosting skills, and if there's no extra stat boosting skills, then they may aswell all be the same. (Atk>A.Atk>Focus>Defence>A.Defence)

Alberta, Canada

Does anyone have a save file with the grade shop ready to go that they would be willing to dropbox or share?

I'm very interested in NG+ as well, but i don't want to sink 150 hours maxxing all lords of the lands haha.

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