You do realise this requires doing all 1000 Korok puzzles. True, the actual number is less because there's a bunch of escort quests that give two seeds, and from what I heard, the reward... Is not worth it. Again.
I mean, in the BotW extensions there's a section named 'kork collections', were you can run for all koroks, 100 koroks or 10 koroks. I'd like to see the catergory return like that, it leaves some more options open for people that don't want to purely grind all koroks. Anyway, it woud seem weird to not have an extension here that exists for BotW and of which barely any mechanics have changed. I'd guess for the 10 and 100 koroks the run might even be faster then its BotW counterpart
I would not recommend this category because of how many people hating koroks for hundos and the actaul category, thats what I think thanks for reading.
I would only recommend this category because it's an absolutely absurd category and i'd just love seening people actually compete for the world record lol
Twitch is changing their on video storage to only allow each user up to 100 hours of Highlights and Uploads. What this means for us is that anyone who is hosting a PB on in the form of a Twitch VOD Highlight could