Top 10 Record Progression
4 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Hi! I've made a Top 10 Record Progression for this! I guess you can watch it if you want.

Chiviguagua, Xcvazer i 4 inne podobało się to
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

The confusing thing is the times, the first digit is the minute count, the second and third are the second count, and the 3 numbers after the '.' are the milliseconds.


Really cool ! Thank you for making this :P I would suggest doing steam too. Also how do you make those ? They look very fun to make

MinecraftGaming to się podoba

make what?

also i apreciate it thanks.😊

how do i stream on twitch with my game?🤔 I would like to know.

Ohio, USA

Get a recording software like OBS


@EBH This is super cool! But forget @AmazKan suggestion of steam do polished mobile instead. Its totally not because I have the WR yep its not.

Amaz to się podoba
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

@Cuber I do all kinds of stuff like this! I have a Speed Run 4 one just like this that I need to upload.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

@AmazKan It's pretty easy. Took me about 45 minutes to make that. Here's a tutorial.

Open up make a "Bar Chart Race" in "Data Visualization" section Click "Data" and delete everything. Make sure to label A as "Name" B as "Category" and C as "Picture" There are a few settings we need to change before you get it like that.

  1. Click "Labels" and switch it from "Labels on bars" to "Labels on axis"
  2. Click "Bars" and set the Default sort mode to "Lowest"
  3. Click "Number Formatting" and switch the number format to display to 12.345,67 instead of 12,235.67
  4. Pick a song. Make sure to note how long the song is. (You can skip this if you want)
  5. Finally, go to "Timeline and Animation" and scroll to the bottom, set the "Timeline Duration" to whatever you want.

That's just how to set it up. I'll make another post for the data.

Amaz to się podoba
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

@AmazKan here's the data tutorial.

The first column is for usernames. Type in the player's username here. The second column is for categories. In the video, I used regions, ex. Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and N/A. The third column is for pictures. You can pick user pictures, but in the video I took flourish's flag pictures that are used for the default Bar Chart Race and put them there. The fourth through rest of the columns are for the data. The top row is for the date. In the video, I used every month, because days would've taken me hours. You can put whatever you want here, as long as it's a date. DO NOT PUT DATA THERE. Finally, every second row from the fourth column to the last column is for data. Type in the user's time or whatever data you want to put here. Make sure to specify what you are analyzing for the video!

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
Sagaris i Amaz podobało się to
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

btw I forgot to mention the song was Mario Kart 64: Theme. Hope I don't get copyright claimed!


can you guys recomend a stopatch that streamers use please. if so greatly apreciated!😊

Ridgeymon to się podoba
Haute-Normandie, France

Thank you a lot for that ! Greatly appreciate your effort !

B4ndit i Amaz podobało się to

your welcome but please recomend a stopwatch that streamers use.


You mean a timer ? If yes , use livesplit. Its not necessary but you can use it

MinecraftGaming to się podoba

i cant use livesplit its not supported on this laptop. also it doesent work on mac for some reason do you know any others?

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
California, USA

Use livesplit 1 on the web, not sure if it works but it may, or just use your phone.

Nightmare_Dream to się podoba
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