Difficulty settings
6 years ago

I think we should agree on a difficulty setting (easy or normal) and include it into the rules.

All my runs are done on normal so far.


you are probably right. all my runs are done on normal as well. I actually don't know what the difference is really. most/all people I have seen playing use normal. but if the easy setting really makes a difference it should be allowed as the goal in speedrunning is to have the fastest time possible.

I compared the time two soldiers need to conquer one tower in the new record on easy and the old records on normal and there is a 3-4 s difference which is huge. so I would vote for allowing easy difficulty. even if this means I have to redo all my runs :S.

I also don't see any point in seperating easy and normal in different categories as we have way more missions than runs as it stands.


Yeah sorry, didnt know it would make a difference when i did my run. I thought the difficulty level only affects AI behaviour later in the game but didnt expect that tower doors and enemy soldiers are less tanky (sth. like 11 hits vs 14 hits from swords on normal) or your soldiers get a hidden attack buff not displayed in your combat power and thats why they need less hits.


you don't need to be sorry! it is great to learn more about the game. for me it is kind of exciting to know as it could leed to some way faster strats in later missions. I again would like to allow easy. as there not many runners for this game I would like to hear what Tigger and Sascha say to this before changing any rules.

I picked normal mostly because Knolls run from back in the day was on normal ... so really arbitrary. If all are ok with easy mode then it's fine for me as well. The only caveat is that all current runs are immediately outdated ...


Mein Englisch ist nicht wirklich gut (verstehen ist ok, selber schreiben eher nicht :) ), um an solchen Diskussionen teilzunehmen zu können, deshalb auf deutsch.

Also mir macht das nichts aus, wenn zukünftig im Leicht-Modus gespielt werden darf. Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich auch bisher nie an den Schwierigkeitsgrad gedacht, dass man ihn auch einstellen kann... Aber wäre in Ordnung so. Dann werden demnächst ein paar neue Rekorde aufgestellt :-)

Es sollte dann aber noch in den Regeln erläutert werden.

Weiterhin frohes Siedeln :)


so be it. I make it clear in the rules. I will add theruns I have allready recorded. new runs after that only with easy. let the competition begin.

ps: it is really nice to have some people running this game. keep it up guys!

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago

I'm just wondering: where on this website is the rules setting anyway? Would be nice to know them before i continue posting results :D


there is a button just next to the "submit run" button. it is called "view rules". there you find the rules for the individual category you are in. for this game all induvidual levels have the same rules. only difference is with the full game runs.

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