How to manually load level starts for practice
- Close the game
- Using a text editor, open the file 'Save.dat' located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Dystopia Corp\The Cleaner
- Copy the position coordinates listed below into the brackets of the position data
- Save the file
- Launch the game
- Click load game
Level 1: "x":162.3625946044922,"y":178.3443603515625,"z":217.66067504882813
Level 2: "x":-1011.767578125,"y":725.152099609375,"z":267.6816101074219
Level 3: "x":-464.43634033203127,"y":553.7214965820313,"z":85.67933654785156
Level 4: "x":-555.169921875,"y":1994.755126953125,"z":2217.8916015625
Level 5: "x":-779.4521484375,"y":1241.153564453125,"z":-1026.638671875
Level 6a: "x":-741.6983032226563,"y":812.0296020507813,"z":-750.4246215820313
Level 6b: "x":-521.1273803710938,"y":942.5263061523438,"z":-739.1165161132813
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Because at the moment I'm the only mod, ive made a discord, if you submit a run fell free to ping me.
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