Community Maps
1 year ago

TFC ships with 15 default maps, those are tracked here.

TFC has a long history of playing community-created maps in leagues, pickups, and public servers. There are many, many custom maps and in the interest of keeping the list here manageable, the plan is to start small and grow over time.

If there are any TFC maps that you would consider 'classic' in terms of being historically popular (whether in leagues, pickups, organized TFC or elsewhere), please reply below with the name (and a link, if possible).

Edytowane przez autor 1 year ago

Here's an initial batch of suggestions to get us started:

openfire_lowgrens schtop siege fry_baked monkey_l shutdown2 mortality_l phantom

maybe also consider... alchimy_l2 pitfall ss_nyx_ectfc destroy_l congestus stowaway2_lg

A few more maps from the Inhouse maplist for consideration:

raiden7 2kfort5 stormz2 opposition3 monkey_lg welldown_b7 oppose2k1 (or opposition?) high_flag voltage_l waterwar orbit_l3 turbo_b10 2mesa3 prolifique roasted siden bases2k3 chimkey_l well2023_b2 piggy demolish

Edytowane przez autor 1 year ago
Queensland, Australia
Any/All, He/Him
1 year ago

where is it?

This is just a list of options so far, candidate maps for people to vote on - any particular map you'd like to see added?

Queensland, Australia
Any/All, He/Him
1 year ago

wheres the tfcc board?

I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly - if you mean the TFC/TF2 hybrid custom content leaderboard I believe that's been taken down in favor of keeping game-specific content associated with the game-specific boards.

If you're looking for custom maps on this leaderboard, that's what this thread is for :)

We're looking for input from runners to help determine which custom maps should be added. Ideally the suggested map should be noteworthy in some way, like being well known in the TFC community (whether from league matches or pickup games, old or new, etc), or being particularly compelling for speedrunners. Happy to discuss in more detail if you like, but here's an example of one way to go about requesting a map be added to the list:

Map suggestion: openfire_lowgrens Link: Example run: Notes: openfire has been around since at least 2001, was played regularly in both leagues and pickups and by ~2003 had developed a reputation as TFC's most overplayed map, and is still considered the default map for 2v2 CTF pickup games in 2023.

EDEdDNEdDYFaN to się podoba

Back in the day (late 90's early 2000's) I was a speedrunner on a site called Concs-r-us which was a speedrun website for concmaps / skill maps which were perfect for speedrunning. here are a few examples of how they play.

A lot of the maps can be found at

Worth considering, let me know if you're interested at all / want more info.

Edytowane przez autor 1 year ago
Nomad7 i EDEdDNEdDYFaN podobało się to

I would definitely submit conc speedruns as well as default map runs - I'd love to do custom maps in general like ofire here

(Maybe now I can finally earn a ^vi tag)

Edytowane przez autor 1 year ago

That's awesome Vawn!

In the process of setting up this page for TFC speedruns there were several discussions about whether skill maps should be included here, and for now the focus is on flag-based map (CTF, ADL, etc).

Those conversations are probably worth having again if we start to get more activity here, but the main factors that were considered were things like how many different types of skill maps exist (concmaps, rocket/pipe jumping, ramp maps, surfing), and not wanting to cause any conflicts of interest with existing skill map communities which have their own leaderboard equivalents (Squishy's batcave server, Momentum mod, etc).

If there's significant interest in adding (a small collection of) skill maps to this page we could certainly look into that, but for now we aren't trying to compete with existing communities who are already doing that sort of thing (and probably doing it better after years of practice :)). Trying to stay in our niche for now.

Appreciate the information - and I'd encourage anyone who hasn't tried TFC concmaps to give them a shot, it's lots of fun :D

Edit: Ed I didn't see your reply before I posted - this discussion may deserve its own thread or we can chat more in Discord, but I think we may want to stay in our lane for now, and consider adding skill maps once we've got a bit more activity. Let me know what you guys think!

Edytowane przez autor 1 year ago
EDEdDNEdDYFaN to się podoba