Hello friends!
This guide will point you to 2 prepared documents detailing the guidelines of performing manual retiming on your runs. For lower place runs this is absolutely optional, as LiveSplit is pretty accurate when it comes to these things already. However, for top-tier competitive time runs, manual retiming is appreciated from the runners to ensure that their time is as accurate as possible. It's a good practice to have, and ensures you are also in control of your own run times, because you'll be able to always double check your stuff!
Down below please find the links to the said docs:
Full-game retiming guidelines
Link to document
Individual Level retiming guidelines
Link to document
In response to community feedback, we now permit PC runners to skip the introductory cutscene and lights tutorial. Together, they last around 2 minutes on every reset, but don't add any significant gameplay value.
Here are the established rules:
- You can c