is blue stacks allowed
4 years ago
Washington, USA

Sorry about necroing an old thread, but why isn't Bluestacks allowed? You could set rules to keep people from binding multiple keys to the same action. It would arguably make it easier to stream/record the game as well because then you can run it through obs/slobs/xsplit what ever you use.

I wanted to learn this game but it seems like a pain to stream/record from a phone and using my big fingers to do stuff quickly. It could be it's own tab for each category.

Washington, USA

I'd be willing to help with that if you want.

Washington, USA

So I played through the first world with no issues. It would crash on me after like a min of play but it stopped. I'm going to do a full test tomorrow by doing a run and seeing if it holds up through the whole thing.

Washington, USA

Sounds good. I finished the game with no issues. I didn't have the crashing issue the second time I booted it either so it seems like a one off. Are they going to be with the normal runs or their own category?

That being said, can't wait to start actually learning the game. I posted a WIP guide for new runners to follow about where to go in the run.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
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