Hi everyone, I've just given the leaderboard a bit of a facelift. I've done a few things, such as: added 100% as a category to go alongside any%, changed it so that all runs require verification before being accepted on the leaderboard, and updated the game information such as release date to the correct date. In addition, Julppux has been added as a leaderboard mod.
I've also added a link to the SSX Community Discord server where runners may go to share their runs, ask questions or just chat about SSX in general. Happy running everyone!
- Daggy
After my 100% run... I believe we should have 2 categories to cut down the silliness for those daring: "All shred" category where we complete all shreds, regardless of medal counts "All medals" category" where we complete all medals, regardless of completed shred counts, then beat the first legend shred (So we get to the ending cutscene).
I really like the idea of adding an "All Shreds" category, and is something I thought of independently as well. One of the problems with the current leaderboard (or really the game) is that there are two categories around 10 minutes, one that potentially is 3 - 7 hours (New Game), and one that is 10 hours plus (100%), with nothing in between.
Also, "New Game" depends on "RNG" (or optimal selection of shreds/competitions that appear on the map in that particular run) and is as a result closer to a Bingo or Randomizer as a category, where each run will be very different. For that reason it might be interesting to have a category like "All shreds" where the times are directly comparable, as each run will contain the exact same levels and depend more on the routing/execution instead.
In my estimate "All Shreds" would take around 3 and a half hours, so it doesn't fix the problem entirely, and here are some points that would need to be adressed:
Does the run start from a fresh file or not? In my opinion it should start from a 100% file to make the runs as consistent as possible, and all events would be played from the "Past Events" tab.
Which board/skis should be used for each of the shreds? Beating some of the early game shreds with max upgrades would potentially be too easy, but mandating a certain board/skis for certain shreds would be weird as well.
For reference, the routing that I have done for any% ("New Game") runs assumes the starting board "Recon" for novice events, then the reward board "Team" from ranks Amateur through Rookie. When I reach Semi-Pro, I buy the board "Shadow," that I use up until Legend rank, where I buy "Merqury City." When I reach Pro rank, I buy the trick "The Wizard," and no other upgrades during the run itself. The Legend rank shreds assume all upgrades ("Attributes").
This is for essentially all [RTA] categories, but if or how will load times between platforms and console versus emulators be adressed in the future?
Finally a specific "Timer Start" and "Timer Stop" would have to be determined as well. There are different approaches to this, that could also affect the sequence/order of shreds that you would pick from the map. "Timer Start" would be from selecting the first shred, and "Timer Stop" would be from finishing the last one, but exactly how that would be defined is the question.
"All Medals" I would estimate around 6 hours, and a lot of the events are.... ....the same. For instance "Compilation: Double Slopestyle" and "Compilation: '45 Slopestyle" contain the exact same Individual Levels (ILs) [Compilation + Wild Tree Fun], where the '45 has a 6:30.00 time limit and Double Slopestyle has a 6:40.00 time limit, but with different rankings/difficulty. "On The Rocks: '45 Slopestyle" and "On The Rocks: Back-2-Back Slopestyle" also have the same ILs [On The Rocks + Son Of A Birch], but again with 10 seconds difference in time limit and different ranking. There are similar pairings on the racing side as well.
My estimates are based on the times that appear in the tab "Shred and competition routes" in my routing spreadsheet, which also can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTbmf3F087yKZcT1ZO7Op7D2rfljTQJZYU4GIxmV5WeoKBClEvCo5L6lqxZXpjOg6QGDCm8XX8Sf9Lr/pubhtml#
Here is my replies to some of the points you mentionned. (=>text) = Mentionned by you
=> Also, "New Game" depends on "RNG" (or optimal selection of shreds/competitions that appear on the map in that particular run) and is as a result closer to a Bingo or Randomizer as a category, where each run will be very different.
I consider this to be a feature of this game. It makes everything interesting in my opinion. A lot of games has inherent RNG in their run. In my 100%, when I saw some quick stuffs, I did them. If I saw races, I avoided them until I was forced. Etc. etc. It forces making some decisions. IMO it makes it unique and should be kept.
=> For that reason it might be interesting to have a category like "All shreds" where the times are directly comparable, as each run will contain the exact same levels and depend more on the routing/execution instead.
I think the better reason is the time frame. All shreds will be much shorter than 100%, but still longer than a free ride. The runs will still be different because of the shred order, which makes, as I said, everything interesting in my opinion.
=> Does the run start from a fresh file or not? In my opinion it should start from a 100% file to make the runs as consistent as possible, and all events would be played from the "Past Events" tab.
Highly disagree. It makes everything interesting if we start from a fresh file. You'll have the random element of the shreds, but also it includes some strategic decisions if you go that far in the reasoning. If there is an hard, but doable shred with a worse board, should I do it now or hold it until I get a better board to make the shred easy? Should I compete in a medal competition for easy money for better board? If I'm not wrong, you'll have to do some competitions too for gaining rank, so you'll have to select which competition you want to do... Maybe also do some competition that are on frequent shred course to increase the likelihood of getting the shred instead of race? Etc. etc.
=> Which board/skis should be used for each of the shreds? Beating some of the early game shreds with max upgrades would potentially be too easy, but mandating a certain board/skis for certain shreds would be weird as well.
If you really want to go that far, you should include a ski/board split for all runs in every category. (And I don't think it's different enough to warrant a split). I dislike the idea of requiring something per shred. There is 150ish shreds... No way I'm going ot remember all of them, not to mention that you'd have to change profile if you want to change...
=> This is for essentially all [RTA] categories, but if or how will load times between platforms and console versus emulators be adressed in the future?
I'd say real time for now. If it get enough submission/interest, then it'll be something to discuss. Personnally, I would keep RTA. No way I'm doing time maths for the 150ish shreds & 49 medals in a 14 hours run. Unless we do an approximation with the timeloads, but that's a discussion for another day.
=>Finally a specific "Timer Start" and "Timer Stop" would have to be determined as well. There are different approaches to this, that could also affect the sequence/order of shreds that you would pick from the map. "Timer Start" would be from selecting the first shred, and "Timer Stop" would be from finishing the last one, but exactly how that would be defined is the question.
Highly disagree, as mentionned before. I prefer the fresh new file approach. Not to mention that if you don't use a new file, making sure you completed all 150ish shreds seperately is going to be a nightmare since the game will always display 150ish/150ish. Starting from new file, as well as all the cool things mentionned earlier, will also take care of the tracking of the shreds completed.
In my opinion, for the all shred, the end time would be the last shred completed. For all medals, I'd include the legend shred to open the post SSX cutscene thing, like the current any%. Without that cutscene, the run would be missing some form of game completition in my opinion.
As a confirmation, the speedrunner could be asked to display the shred/medal count provided from the game after completing the last event.
=> "All Medals" I would estimate around 6 hours, and a lot of the events are.... ....the same.
I don't really mind. You still have to factor the board selection in, as well as the attributes that can change the deal. And the game is inherently repeating. So if you are planning a run that is not any%, you'll expect to rerun some courses over and over already.