New Category
3 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

I noticed there's no 100% (or at least all achievements) category for the game and I was wondering if there was a specific reason for it, or if it just hadn't been done yet. Also just a quick rule clarification; do all runs require video proof for this game, and if not, how would you submit a run without a video?

Devon, England

Hi Friend,

Currently, the main reason is that no one has done it. Additionally, the Dev's are brining more to the game this year so any 100% runs right now would eventually get obsoleted. It's also hard to define 100% as is it all collectables? All buildings? All side quests? At what point does it stop.

I will say all runs should require video proof.

If someone was interested in a 100% category I wouldn't mind figuring it out in the forums here.

xyshard to się podoba
New Brunswick, Canada

I would definitely be interested in an all achievement category myself. Even if it was only after more content was added, I think it would be fun.

And the only reason I asked about the video requirement was cause I've already done an all achievement run but didn't record it. Though with this game I definitely wouldn't mind playing it again. Only problem is, I already have all the achievements, so how would that work if I tried to do a new run for it?

Devon, England

For Steam you can do something like make a second steam account then 'family' game share the game across so that you can play again for free from a fresh account.

That's what I would recommend at least! Showing that you have no achivements at the start & all of them at the end would assist in verifying :) have fun my friend.

xyshard to się podoba
United States

Out of curiosity, in a theoretical achievement run - for the Loose Lips / Sealed Lips - would it be expected to do a second playthrough up to that decision to get the other achievement? On Steam, a guide said you can Alt F4 to avoid the save then make the other choice and get both achievements. Or would this be an acceptable work around?

Devon, England

I think Alt F4 would be fine. We already quit out in some scienarios anyway. It is kinda the same as "oh no my game crashed at this very convenient moment for me". So let's not waste an hour or two in having to playing the game again.

Rataskor to się podoba
United States

I know this thread is a bit old but what about the category being like 100% Spirit Requests? Since it records that percentage on the Save Menu file it can be more easily verified.

West Yorkshire, England

100% all spirit requests would be great, tho going by 100% on profile it doesnt include postscripta for elena. Ive been practicing this just to find its not a category </3 so itd be grand if it did become a thing!

How long do you think a run like that would take? It sounds pretty fun. I've always thought an "all spirits through the everdoor" run or something would be interesting.

SnowflakeT to się podoba

If anyone does one of these longer "100%" type of runs, let me know and I can add a category. Some that come to mind that seem like they'd be interesting would be something along the lines of a "Collector" category where you complete all of Susan's collections or a "Spiritfared" category where you take all able spirits to the Everdoor and show the 100% on the main menu for that game file assuming that's what that number is in reference to.

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