Now that there is a WR battle between NicRoveda and Susiaga does anybody think that there will be a boxing match between the two, winner gets to run Mario Odyssey forever while the loser never again? If so, who would win?
if susiga has the wr for 1 month then nicro has to get 1st in darker side
It depends. NicroVeda has gotten a bunch of WRs on SMO.Susiaga just became a WR holder.
He was in 4th place or so for a while so he wasn't very experienced. However that was a few weeks ago, I am pretty sure he has gotten a little better.
With NicroVeda, he has been around for a while. I have had more experience watching him play before he got the WR and some more viewers.
Now with the boxing thing, I got no clue.
Also, don't get me wrong, I am not saying susiaga is shit, I just haven't really watched him a lot.