Green Stars in 2m 55s by
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | Sky Station 1 Złoto | 1m 49s 188ms | 1m 49s 188ms |
2 | Sky Station 2 | 2m 39s 141ms | 4m 28s 329ms |
3 | Sky Station Comet Złoto | 1m 26s 909ms | 5m 55s 238ms |
4 | Green Stars Start | 0m 36s 006ms | 6m 31s 244ms |
5 | Green Star 1 | 0m 15s 375ms | 6m 46s 619ms |
6 | Green Star 2 Złoto | 1m 09s 953ms | 7m 56s 572ms |
7 | Green Star 3 | 1m 28s 068ms | 9m 24s 640ms |
Leaderboard Votes: 1P/2P Are Split!
The leaderboard poll results are in, here's what the majority voted for:
The SMG2 leaderboards now have 1P/2P subcategories for all of the full-game categories.
"Co-Star/No Co-Star" has been renamed to 1P/2P for both galaxy leaderboards.
**Tied top runs will no longer be retimed for
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