Time save maybe? Last mission theory
What if you can skip Sly's and Clockwerks conversation before the 2nd heat?What if there is a way to kill Sly right slightly after the final blow in the 1st heat before 2nd heat and skip the conversation. Would it be faster to redo the 1st heat and do the 2nd heat without the conversation? This is just a theory.
MooshSen to się podoba
Dude, that's a really nice theory you got there maybe there could be a way to skip the conversation. But redoing the 1st heat is slower than the 2nd conversation with clockwork and sly tho.
FairRodTheCapacitor to się podoba
That would be almost definitely faster, not by much though. I personally have tried all I can to skip that cutscene yet it doesnt seem very doable.
MooshSen i FairRodTheCapacitor podobało się to
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