Why timer starts at "yes" and why do we need time with and without loads
2 years ago

Hello I haven't run this game in a while but always had these questions and never bother to ask so here I am asking :P The first part feels 100% pointless there is no reason to start the timer there instead of when you gain control of your character like most games The second part is not exactly pointless but is an extra barrier to entry in a very inactive game even I that i had speedrun for years never learned how to do it and there is not even a tutorial around here and that made me quit the game a long ago when i got wr and it didn't count because of this technicality sorry for my bad behaviour back then I was furious because of this Anyway I hope one of the mods can answer and hopefully get back into speedrunning in the future thanks for reading have a nice day :3

North Carolina, USA

This conversation was continued in Discord, here's my response:

-Starting on yes gives a definitive start point to the run. Verifiers do not have to identify exactly what frame input became available to the runner and runners don't have to multitask starting a run while also beginning game input. Changing the timing method will make it confusing to compare old runs to new ones. -You do not need time without loads -If you want to compete with times using the load remover then you need to learn to set it up or ask for help setting (or be faster than their loadless times). -Rules don't change because a game is inactive

Also, livesplit's repository for autosplitters will be updated soon (thanks Riekelt), so you shouldn't have to do as much configuration as you would have before to get the load remover to work.

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My motivations for this are a variety of reasons you can view in Discord or in the thread, overall I believe it will improve the quality of the leaderboard.


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