New Categories?
5 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Thoughts on new categories? How about all lots have to be purchased by farm or town? Or another one, get 500K in assets with only Sorghum fields?


Hey, welcome. :)

I created this board originally as kind of a neat idea (that pig category). It would allow for a game not a lot of people ever probably played to develop strategies for and to route in a genre they might not inherently be familiar with. From there, Crit ended up really liking the game, and suggested a full game category. I can definitely admit the two categories that exist now offer an extremely weird variety in how to speedrun it. :D You're either buckling down for something for the long haul or looking at something pretty short, and they're probably not as representative of the game can obviously offer as a whole.

I'm totally ok with adding new categories or rule revisions. I was actually going to reach out and ask after watching your run the other day: do you think banks should really be banned? I think maybe only in the pig category they should, just because allowing people to take out money invalidates the strategies that have currently evolved. I doubt being able to take out $40000+ at the beginning of the run would make it that broken, but that's the one thing I never tested yet: does how much you take out increase with your total assets? At that point, I feel banning them might be a good idea if you could just keep earning money and basically taking out money. I don't personally know where any bank loans cap or if and when the game even forces you to pay any loans back.

Would be very interested in your input as well: @CritRocket.

(In terms of other categories or suggestions somewhere bridging the gap between the current two.)

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
TahliaMalone to się podoba
Wisconsin, USA


I think the bank should be banned, I think it is tied to your total non-loan money. The loan does have been paid back in installments quarterly.

Also, I know that selling waterfront land is banned on 200 pig, but I think that selling any land should be banned as the other day I was able to sell all but two plots of land, bulldoze the fence, run on slow speed and keep adding pigs (which will run outside the of the bounds of the land) until I get 200 pigs. This can be done before the pigs perish in about 1 minute 30 second-ish

Wisconsin, USA

Other categories (if we want to keep it simple): 500k in assets, 2M in assets

Washington, USA

I'm up for more categories. I'm not sure I'd be up for running anything longer than the 1M in assets, but that's just me. I do like the idea of a category that would get us away from strawberries, but I'm not sure what that would be.

I think it might be best to shy away from too many categories at this point since there are very few runners, but a couple more wouldn't hurt!

Wisconsin, USA

I guess 250K on Sorghum would be a good category.


Hi there.

  1. I updated the rules for Pig% so any selling of land is banned. I agree very suddenly and acquiring huge chunks of money for very little effort defeats the purpose and invalidates the strats the route has developed so far.
  2. What is the purpose (and function) of how you lay irrigation ditches? @hogziller
  3. Why Sorghum in particular over the other crops?

Congrats on your new PB as well, Hog.

I agree, moving away from strawberries would be maybe ideal. xD

I don't mind adding one more maybe main category for now, but finding variance within this game is a little silly, and I like how both runs so far have defaulted to strawberries as the main crop of choice.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

I add the ditch to prevent field flooding, no real reason behind why.... I guess i have been doing it that way for so long that i never really thoughts how/why besides that it has worked all these years.

I selected Sorghum because is is usually the lowest selling price item in the game. I guess it could be any other crop.


Well, I'm okay with adding it to the board as an in-between.

Sorry for the weird delay here, honestly thought I responded.

Is there a huge difference between $250k and $500k?

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Sorry for the delay on replying.... I must have just missed it. In regards to the 250K vs 500k difference? I think it is only the difference between a 15 minute-ish or a 25 minute-ish speed run. But I'm open to other ideas for speed running this game.

Hawaii, USA

I'm totally ok with adding new categories or rule revisions. I was actually going to reach out and ask after watching your run the other day: do you think banks should really be banned? I think maybe only in the pig category they should, just because allowing people to take out money invalidates the strategies that have currently evolved. I doubt being able to take out $40000+ from $500 loan no credit check direct lender at the beginning of the run would make it that broken, but that's the one thing I never tested yet: does how much you take out increase with your total assets? At that point, I feel banning them might be a good idea if you could just keep earning money and basically taking out money. I don't personally know where any bank loans cap or if and when the game even forces you to pay any loans back.

I totally agree with you! I am to late to reply here because I am so late into this speedrun scene but I want to say that you have right thoughts on your mind.

Edytowane przez autor 11 months ago
junkyard_dave to się podoba

It makes me laugh this board/game ever received any traction. xD

I since, from this last reply added $1000000 as a category, which - was destroyed.

But thank you! I did originally create this board as a meme run to see a bunch of runners route a game most never ran before, but over time it was cool to see legitimate strategies develop (and of course, I would have and did create actual categories people could enjoy the game with.)

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