Autoclickers allow for much faster times in the supermarket, they are currently banned in these runs. Should there instead be a tag on runs for weather or not an autoclicker was used?
ok so turns out strawpull is broken as balls so... just respond to the post with your opinion instead
i think not but if it would be there should be a misc category for fullgame autoclicker
So the 2 people who responded seem to be against it, so for now - it will stay banned.
i'm against usage of those tools. Sushi Cat is just clicking a few times anyways so having a tool that makes it even more "automatic" seems weird to me. IMO autoclickers should be reserved for really long / mash heavy games if at all.
I will make an unrestricted sub-category for the Supermarket IL and nothing else, as that's the only place where it's majorly useful.