Additional Categories
7 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

There has been some interest in additional categories. For example:

100% (all secrets and treasures) Boss1% (Any% run, up to boss1 aka The Defiled Church)

My question: What difficulty would you be interested in running 100% on? And should I make a leaderboard for Boss1%?

IMO Boss1% might be better left as a race category, but if people want a leaderboard for it I'll happily make one.




I feel like all runs should be run on Death Incarnate, including 100%.

My thinking behind Boss1 would be to attract new runners and have a leaderboard for races as well.


I think all should be on Hard. Easy is just the same thing, but just removes the need for planning and such. Sure it can be fun the enemies are easier to avoid, but the ammo(especially grenades) pickups are too good. Boss1 would be fun, but yea maybe only a race category.

Deluxe to się podoba
Minnesota, USA

I've been working on my 100% run on death incarnate, which I feel should be the standard.

Edytowane przez autor 7 years ago