Glitchy Bosses, the Bads and the Good
Michigan, USA

So in this game , you can glitch the bosses to turn into a normal zombie, and then after defeating the normal Zombie, move on a bit and then skip the cutscene that plays after defeating said boss, but your in a different spot/making progress. There is, as of now, 3 locations we know we can trigger this. However, only one is actually worth doing.

The First boss can be glitched by taking the last zombie we normally go past to enter the hall before the next room with the boss. We have that zombie follow us close enough and then enter where the boss is. If done right, the zombie will swing at us while the boss fight cutscene plays. Sadly, the setup is slow and it makes you lose about 6-8 seconds compared to just doing the fight. Also even after doing the setup, if the zombie decides to walk away right away, it can possibly cancel the glitch anyway, which would make you lose even more time.

The Boss Fight using Leon with the Gas Grenade in the Basement Machine room of the Boat is the next one. There are stairs you go down and then right a bit to fight the boss. to the left of those stairs is a zombie you can trick into following you like the other zombie before. This also loses time by about 0-6 seconds. The reason I say0-6 is cause If you fight the boss normally and get the quick kill, you save about 6 seconds. If you don't get the quick kill, it should take you about another 4-6 seconds to kill. So at worst fight cases if you're doing things right, the glitch only breaks even at absolute best and if the glitch fails due to the zombie walking away, you lose about 4 seconds.

The Last 2 back to back bosses at the end can be glitched and is the only one that's worth doing. The bottom room right before the boss, which is just standing there, there is a zombie in there. You want to stand in the doorway, hugging the right wall, but have him notice you. Once he grabs you, you'll be released and not enter the fight no matter what. If during the music that played it goes into yet another music track, then the glitch worked. Once released straight up and you should see a random zombie has spawned trying to get you. Just keep heading straight up sense it's grab won't do anything. You'll squeeze between him and the right wall and are able to now trigger the boss. If fully done right, the zombie will try to grab at you again while you're stuck. The fight should now be the zombie. after killing it, go through the right door and just keep holding right and ignore the other zombie that's spawn just under that door. After the cutscene, you should see one of two things, ether a pixel glitched boss or the boss fully there, but just stuck in place. If it's pixel glitched, just hold right and go through it to enter the final cutscene. If it's fully there , but stuck in place, instead go up while avoid the other zombies and sooner or later the final cutscene will play. This glitch is very annoying to pull off, but if you do, you save around 25-35 seconds. Some of that is skipping the bosses and some of that is more if you skipped getting the back up grenades during the Barry submarine escape section (that's about 6-8 seconds).

So while all of these in a run are cool/swag points, only the last one actually saves time.


the first boss glitch loses no time. it can either 'break even' or save a second or two depending on which side the zombie is placed during the fight, an you get the first shot off within the first few frames if the zombie is on the left side. tho this is based on Rng is it necessary currently ? no.

the boss glitch in the boiler room with leon still saves time and is more of a safer strat than doing it the proper way (which requires switching from the gas to rifle during the fight, hitting all shots accurately everytime the bar hits the middle, more than likely run out of ammo, otherwise having to switch Again; to the handgun if you dont)

since it sounds like you're basing this mostly off what i do in my run and then yours on the last one written part, you should mention that praying on another random zombie to spawn for a glitch is Pure RNG. where as the particular way i setup, eliminates that. an just uses the zombie that's already there, to pull off the glitch. it would also be Really worth mentioning That last boss skip in particular has only a 50% success rate because it Can hardlock your game an kill the run. that's a good meme (:

not really sure what the point of calling these glitches that save time.. "swag points"

Michigan, USA

I've accounted for switching guns too. First boss is just better to do it normally as the glitch will never save time unless your aim is REALLY bad (Like miss 4 shots or more bad). 2nd breaks even at best if you think your fight might go bad (Hand gun change is accounted for that.) 3rd has always been an issue, but it's still the only one worth doing. Now if you decide to get the backup Ammo, you shouldn't have any issues and you'll still save time using the glitch, just not as much. Also if you fail the glitch and are low on HP and die right away, the glitch has a higher chance of working.

I've time tested the first 2 you did for about an hour or 2 before posting this info and there is no time save to be had unless you're worried about missing your aim. Because they DON'T save time, if you didn't use them, you could have beaten my time by an even larger amount. They are swag points sense they don't help.

Michigan, USA

Also if you hardlock via the 2nd glitch zombie not spawning after the door, you did the glitch wrong and the first glitch zombie wasn't set in the right spot.

Michigan, USA

I decided to upload a video timing it all. #1 Normal Wins by 3-4 seconds. #2 Normal Wins by 1 second. #3 Glitched Wins by 12 seconds...that 3rd one took a bit of editing sense the last run's timing was a bit different and I had to account different things for it.

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