Killing William G5 (Leon B PS3 PSN)
4 years ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

I saw a lot of Clips where William G5 is killed by 1x Rocket 5x Magnum ~5-6x Pistol

but when I try it I have to shoot all my Pistol Bullets (13) and have to knife him a few times. I wonder why? Do you do more damage when you stand close to him or do I have to wait till he is close to the door?

Texas, USA

Whilst I can't answer this more specifically in regards to how many shots it should normally take to kill G5 with any particular weapon (as I hardly play the B Scenarios, and don't speedrun them as I do the A ones) I can tell you that distance DOES effect damage with certain weapons.

Case in point: The G-Mutant fight (in Leon A, for this example). When the battle starts, you run up to the Mutant with Leon, and start blasting it with Magnum shots. However, Leon's distance from the Mutant will determine how many shots it takes to actually kill it. I believe a "good" Mutant fight is 7 shots, and means you managed to position Leon close enough to deal the extra damage with the Magnum. If you're even something like half a step too far away, it'll take one whole extra shot to put it down for good.

So a "good" fight is 7 shots, "meh" fight is 8 (or it could be 6 & 7, Idr it's been a sec lol), and it's all down to the extra damage you deal by being closer.

Hope this helps slightly.

Tanky to się podoba

Actually I think the distance DOESN'T matter because factory Birkin with Claire ALWAYS get KO'ed with 9 flame shots by me and with Leon ALWAYS 10 magnum shots, and my distance is not always the same. On the other hand, it seems quickshots do difference. My G5 Birkin is usually 1 rocket, 3 magnum and 4 shotgun when I don't miss any quickshot. When I drop some I have to reload the shotgun.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
Texas, USA

@Rei_Leo, that is because Leon uses hitscan weapons, and Claire uses projectile-based weapons.

Claire can deal the same damage, even from far away, because her weapons shoot projectiles. I'm not sure whether or not her projectiles will eventually drop in damage if they're very, VERY far away, but I don't believe they do.

Leon, on the other hand, uses hitscan weapons. Which means that if Leon fires his gun, and it would hit the enemy, it hits them immediately, but if he's further away it will drop slightly in damage.

The reason the G-Mutant fight and the Birkin fight aren't the same in regards to damage (and number of hits taken to finish the fight) is because really only the optimal strat for the G-Mutant can sometimes put you in a spot for it to matter, NOT the optimal strat for Factory Birkin.

You start the G-Mutant fight by running towards it, and you can wind up just SLIGHTLY outside of max. damage range in that instance, requiring one more Magnum shot. In contrast, with Factory Birkin, you run AWAY from him, and then finish the fight as he walks towards you, and regardless of whether you end up getting hit by him or not, he's almost always going to wind up in the same distance areas, at roughly the same times, to take the same amount of damage.

And in your G5 example; it's not quickshots that are making a difference in how many shots it takes to finish him, as whether or not a shot was "quick" doesn't affect how much damage it does. Rather, it's more likely how close Birkin is to Leon when you miss/don't miss quickshots that determines whether there's a difference or not.

Sorry, hope I didn't make all that too confusing to read lol.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
Rei_Leo to się podoba

Yeah I can't tell with certitude but from my experience with RE 2 and RE 3 it seems both games are the same when it comes to this. I perceived some zombies and even Nemesis falling down faster when you assure many quickshots (confirmed by less amno spent). I know the HP zombies is random but Nemesis's is fixed... So I came to think too many quickshots might cause the damage be cumulative.

In RE 2 I noted this in zombies, dogs, spiders and G5 Birkin. His previous forms were always the same amount of amno to me, with quickshots or not.