So, i'm new to this forum, but I have found something so useful that it makes a broken trick so much easier.
Karlson has integrated auto-bhop. Just hold spacebar!
Ok, so, what's happening with the jumping code is that every frame the game is checking if you are holding the spacebar. If you are, it runs another check to see if you're touching anything. If so, it applies an upward force. Since the check is running every frame, you'll essentially jump at every possible frame you can jump. I just guessed the code thing, but the main fact is actually true.
That’s insane, wish we knew this before, hated having to do my frame perfect jumps
Can you make a tutorial on youtube? I dont understand the trick... ;(
So, i'm new to this forum, but I have found something so useful that it makes a broken trick so much easier.
Karlson has integrated auto-walk. Just hold w,a,s,d !
Ok, so, what's happening with the walking code is that every frame the game is checking if you are holding w,a,s,d. If you are, it applies an force. Since the check is running every frame, you'll essentially move at every possible frame you can move. I just guessed the code thing, but the main fact is actually true.
Wtf?? This is actually fucking monumental. I hated having to do my frame fucking perfect jumps on SB1. Honestly a HUGE discovery!!
you can jump with spacebar? i always wondered how people were able to jump. i just assumed they cheated.
Wdym " comedy "? This is monumental! It's not a joke!
holy **** really you can hold the space bar i thought you had to blow yourself up ask god to bring you back to life then you can tap it once
Karlson is going to have a tournament! This year we're counting with 32 competitors - 4 times the amount of last year's tourney! All matches for round one have been scheduled as follows (all times are in the GMT timezone):
- 2:00 PM @VenusPower vs @Binship
- 5:00 PM @sirty