Alt Main - Haunter Guide (Red)
Alt Main - Haunter Guide (Red)
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez BarpTheWire

-- WARNING: This might seem like a classic run - but it's not! --

Goal for this route: beat the game with Haunter as your main in the end

Rules: - Obtain Haunter with the least amount of badges possible (Brock, Misty -> 2) - Any% Glitchless rules apply (IT allowed, Pokedoll skip allowed) Improvable: - Menus - Item management - Haunter catch (no Manip used so far)

EST: 2:10 h (avg RNG)


Rival1 Nidoran Brock Route 3 Mt. Moon Bridge Misty Rocket Hideout Flute Surge Erika Silph Co Koga Blaine Sabrina Giovanni Lorelei Bruno Agatha Lance Champ Done

used shortcuts in this guide: Dicket = Dig Rocket Hicket = Hideout Rocket Tocket = Tower Rocket Sicket = Silph Rocket

------------------------ ROUTE ------------------------

do the Nido beginning, get bird and Paras Pewter mart: 6 potions

everything else as usual until after moon

get IT after center, pick up rare candy, everything as usual until Bill (DON'T pick up Ether)

Bill menu: heal below 12, escape rope

get IT, go for Dicket

skip Misty, continue to SS Anne

do Gentlemandy, beat Boval

Mart: 5 repels, 2 para healz

Menu after Fanclub Talk: Swap slot2 with repels, teach HM01, teach Dig, Dig Out


go for Misty

go for Bike

Menu after Bike: swap slot1 with Bike, teach TM11, use Bike

continue to Rock tunnel as usual

Maniac: BB, Thrash x2

Nerd: Thrash x2-3; keep Redbar if feeling lucky, otherwise heal

Oddish girl: maybe HAx2, then Thrash

Hiker: BB x3

Jr.Trainer: Thrash

Gambler: BB, Thrash

pick up Underground Nugget & Elixer


--- Shopping ---

Sell: Nuggets, TM34

Buy: 4 Greatballs, 9 SRepel, 5 Superpotion 2x Freshwater (trade one for Icebeam) 7x XAcc 25x XSpecial 4 XSpeed

--- Shopping End ---

bike to HIDEOUT Hicket1: Thrash, Enter Hideout

go immediately down the stairs to your right next floor dodge the rocket and take the stairs above him go left and down in the labyrinth, take spinny patch to the left and down, walk back around to the bottom left, take upper patch to the right walk down (rocket won't trigger), right and up in the stairs walk up and left to rocket

Hicket2: Thrash talk again to rocket, pick up Lift Key

walk back in stairs you came from take spinny patch up, pick up item to your right (Rare Candy) walk left, take spinny patch up, walk back right and up into stairs

take lower spinny patch to your left at the end go to the item to your bottom right, pick it up (TM07)

MENU: teach Icebeam over BB, swap Slot 3 with XAcc, teach Drill in Slot 1

after that go right and down, take right spinny patch downwards, at the end walk left into spinny patch walk down, take upper spinny patch, at the end go down into spinny patch walk right into elevator

Take elevator to B4

Hicket3(right): XAcc, Drill, Icebeam, Drill

Hicket4(left): Icebeam x3

Gio: XAcc, Drill everything Pick up Silph Scope, Dig Out

FLUTE Bike through Saffron, CENTER HERE, pick up TM29 Psychic, continue to Lavender tower, Repel on tower entry

Lavender Rival: XAcc, Drill everything

Repel again after first Exorcist fight, pick up Elixers

Gastlys: Icebeam

Marowak: Icebeam

Last Floor: get your Haunter (weaken once with Icebeam), use Greatballs catch rate here the highest (15%), level 28-30 Moveset: Lick, Confuse Ray, Nightshade

Menu: Swap Haunter to Slot1, Swap Slot 5 with Superrepels, Superpotion, teach TM29 Psychic, Rare Candy 4x, teach Hypnosis over Confuse Ray TOSS REMAINING BALLS!!!

Tocket1: Psychic x3 Tocket2: Psychic, Nightshade 2-3x Tocket3: Psychic x4 Get Flute

Leave house, enter tower, Dig Out


Surge: Psychic x3 +Nightshade

Leave Gym, bike to Pokeclub, Dig, Bike through Celadon to get FLY


FLY MENU Superrepel, swap slot 5 with XSpeed, teach Fly, teach TB in Slot 1, Fly to Celadon

CENTER, bike to Snorlax

Snorlax Menu: use Flute

pick up Rare Candy & PP UP

After Guardhouse Menu: Srepel, use PP UP on Psychic, Bike to Safari Zone

do the Safari thing

After Safari: Dig Out, bike to Erika

Lass: Nightshade 3x Erika: XSpecial, Psychic 3-4x

exit Gym, Fly to Saffron, bike to Silph Co

Sicket1: Psychic (+TB)

Silph Rival: XSpecial, TB, TB, Xpecial, XSpeed, Psychic, 2x TB, Psychic

heal before rocket (Bone Club noncrit does ~60)

Sicket2: XSpecial, Psychic, 2x TB, Psychic

Giovanni: 2x XSpecial, Psychic, Psychic, Psychic, Hypnosis+Dreameater

Dig Out after fight, CENTER

Fly to Fuchsia, bike to Kogas Gym

Juggler1: 2x XSpecial, TB everything Juggler2: 2x XSpecial, TB everything, enjoy the swapperoooo

Koga: Psychic everything

Leave Gym, bike to right, get HM05 Strength, fly to Pallet town

do Mom Heal

MENU: Srepel, teach HM03, teach HM04, Surf to Cinnaboar

walk through Mansion

MENU (after last stairs): use Srepel, toss remaining Parahealz

pick up key, Dig Out, Fly to Cinnaboar

bike to Gym

Blaine: 2x XSpecial, Psychic, Psychic, Psychic+TB, Psychic 2-3x (depending if Superpotion or not)

Dig Out after fight, bike to Sabrina

Sabrina (save on good pace is HEAVILY recommended)

Kadabra: XAcc (and pray you don't die), Hypnosis to Setup 2x XSpecial, TB Mr. Mime: TB Venomoth: TB Alakazam: Hypnosis, 2x TB

Dig Out, Fly to Viridian, bike to Gios Gym

Cool Trainer: Hypnosis+Dreameater

Blackbelt: Psychic everything

Elixer before Gio

Giovanni: XSpecial, Psychic everything

exit GYM MENU: SRepel, Bike to Victory Road

VR Rival: XAcc, XSpeed, 2x XSpecial, TB, Psychic, TB, TB, 2-3x TB, 2x Psychic

do Victory Road as always

CENTER before E4

--- E4 ---

Lorelei: 3x XSpecial, TB everything

Bruno: Psychic everything

Agatha: XSpeed, XAcc, Hypnosis+Dreameater for everything (PAYBACK YOU OLD HAG!)

Elixer before Lance

Lance: XSpecial, TB, 2x XSpecial, Psychic, Psychic, TB, 2x Psychic

Elixer before Champ

Champ: XAcc, XSpeed, 2x XSpecial (if Skyattack: Hypnosis)

	Pidgeot: TB
	Alakazam: Hypnosis+ 2x TB
	Rhydon: 2x Psychic
	Gyarados: TB
	Arcanine: 2x Psychic
	Venusaur: Psychic (consider Hypnosis+Dreameater on less than half hp)

GG! :P

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