Individual Masters in 52m 58s by

This was a tough record to get! WhaleEleven set a really strong time. I grinded this a few months ago and was able to get 17 seconds off world record but just not able to close the gap. Decided now that I'm even better at Nights, it was time for a return and it still wasn't easy. Had an offline session where I managed to be on world record pace but threw it horribly on 12-4 by losing twice there, was quite frustrated with that. Then, came on stream the next day and grinded for a good while until I eventually managed this run! Was really starting to doubt I could get this but proved myself wrong with this great run. What's mental is this category can go minutes lower, as evidenced by my disgusting graph in this run the shows how deep in the red I was. That's just the power of Cinder. Very glad I didn't compare against PB as I'd have felt so discouraged. I've also never held this world record despite having held almost every Individual Master record, so this is a really cool achievement!

Tablica wyników
Individual Masters
Lord Cinderbottom
Drugie miejsce
52m 58s
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez
#NazwaPodziałZakończono o
1-1-10m 35s 849ms0m 35s 849ms
2-1-20m 33s 790ms1m 09s 639ms
3-1-30m 38s 131ms1m 47s 770ms
4-1-40m 51s 117ms2m 38s 887ms
5{Bjorn}1-50m 51s 016ms3m 29s 903ms
6-2-10m 38s 311ms4m 08s 214ms
7-2-20m 47s 053ms4m 55s 267ms
8-2-30m 55s 023ms5m 50s 290ms
9-2-41m 07s 755ms6m 58s 045ms
10{Jimmy}2-50m 44s 455ms7m 42s 500ms
11-3-10m 53s 038ms8m 35s 538ms
12-3-20m 32s 131ms9m 07s 669ms
13-3-30m 44s 297ms9m 51s 966ms
14-3-41m 04s 876ms10m 56s 842ms
15{Renfield}3-51m 08s 756ms12m 05s 598ms
16-4-10m 58s 664ms13m 04s 262ms
17-4-20m 44s 900ms13m 49s 162ms
18-4-30m 43s 443ms14m 32s 605ms
19-4-40m 46s 073ms15m 18s 678ms
20{Kat Tut}4-51m 05s 956ms16m 24s 634ms
21-5-10m 48s 864ms17m 13s 498ms
22-5-20m 45s 344ms17m 58s 842ms
23-5-30m 43s 529ms18m 42s 371ms
24-5-40m 43s 367ms19m 25s 738ms
25{Splork}5-50m 49s 201ms20m 14s 939ms
26-6-11m 04s 769ms21m 19s 708ms
27-6-21m 00s 903ms22m 20s 611ms
28-6-30m 44s 972ms23m 05s 583ms
29-6-41m 03s 061ms24m 08s 644ms
30{Claude}6-50m 54s 586ms25m 03s 230ms
31-7-10m 53s 230ms25m 56s 460ms
32-7-21m 09s 213ms27m 05s 673ms
33-7-31m 09s 832ms28m 15s 505ms
34-7-40m 44s 092ms28m 59s 597ms
35{Tula}7-50m 52s 349ms29m 51s 946ms
36-8-10m 36s 750ms30m 28s 696ms
37-8-21m 05s 477ms31m 34s 173ms
38-8-30m 49s 220ms32m 23s 393ms
39-8-40m 57s 041ms33m 20s 434ms
40{Cinderbottom}8-50m 43s 115ms34m 03s 549ms
41-9-11m 00s 876ms35m 04s 425ms
42-9-21m 00s 031ms36m 04s 456ms
43-9-30m 43s 744ms36m 48s 200ms
44-9-40m 50s 807ms37m 39s 007ms
0m 44s 248ms38m 23s 255ms
46-10-10m 58s 518ms39m 21s 773ms
47-10-20m 45s 952ms40m 07s 725ms
48-10-31m 06s 020ms41m 13s 745ms
0m 41s 391ms41m 55s 136ms
50{Master Hu}10-51m 12s 394ms43m 07s 530ms
51-11-11m 00s 960ms44m 08s 490ms
0m 59s 743ms45m 08s 233ms
53-11-30m 54s 903ms46m 03s 136ms
54-11-41m 00s 394ms47m 03s 530ms
55{Marina}11-51m 07s 48m 10s 530ms
56-12-11m 00s 096ms49m 10s 626ms
57-12-21m 00s 273ms50m 10s 899ms
58-12-30m 46s 080ms50m 56s 979ms
59-12-40m 57s 086ms51m 54s 065ms
60{Final 5}12-51m 05s 699ms52m 59s 764ms
Statystyki gry
Najnowsze wiadomości
Individual Levels

Individual level categories for any% and Ultra Extreme Fever are now open, GL!

2 years ago
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Opublikowano 2 years ago
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Opublikowano 2 years ago
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Opublikowano 3 years ago
Opublikowano 3 years ago
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Opublikowano 6 years ago
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