Do we have to have audio and subtitles on?

Hi, I had questions about the OnlyCans: Thirst Date speedruns rules. The rules seem to imply that we have to have the audio on? The audio makes me uncomfortable. And the headphone jack on my computer doesn't work, I live in a house with other people so it's kind of embarrassing. Also, do we need the subtitles on too?

United Kingdom

Audio is required but subtitles are not.

The reasoning is for verification purposes. While I don't expect anyone would actually go through the effort of splicing Onlycans of all things, its just about keeping things fair and integral.

Apologies if this puts you off running it, I totally understand that it can be uncomfortable for people less depraved than me. You're welcome to turn off/disable speakers while running it (in windows sound settings), but the capture must have audio.

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Opublikowano 2 years ago
Opublikowano 2 years ago
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