#FreeBASIC (recommended) This edition runs natively on Windows. Sounds have been updated using MIDI. It includes both a text and GUI version.
To make the text version look good:
- Install the Nibbles font (Nibbles.fon)
- Create a shortcut to NIBBLES.exe
- In the shortcut properties, select a font size and fix the colour palette.
- Run the game using that shortcut
With the Nibbles font installed the following font sizes should be available: 8x16 (DosBOX), 9x16 (true VGA), 13x26 (fits in 720p), 16x32 (double resolution)
The following is the proper DOS palette: (0,0,0) (0,0,170) (0,170,0) (0,170,170) (170,0,0) (170,0,170) (170,85,0) (170,170,170) (85,85,85) (85,85,255) (85,255,85) (85,255,255) (255,85,85) (255,85,255) (255,255,85) (255,255,255)
#QB64 This edition runs natively on Windows.
#QuickBASIC This edition provides native DOS executables. Run them using DOSBox.
#Original QBasic The game as it originally was under DOS 5.00. Run using the included QBasic interpreter in DOSBox.
#Original Source Code view here