Racer All Speedlists in 4h 20m 11s by
This is my 200th speedrun in NFS Rivals. I was preparing for this for too long because I was supposed to do this speedrun 8 or 6 months ago, but in the end I didn't do it until now. God i need a break!
60 FPS, AllDrive Settings: One Player
Launch Options Update
The rules have been updated, now stating: *You're allowed to use gaming platforms such as Steam, EA App, Origin, or Epic Games. If you purchased the game on Steam, you may not show advanced launch options in the EA app because launch options are not visible there.
This change has become necessa
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Racer - Hot Pursuit - Grand Tour
Poziom: Racer - Race - Troll Pass
Poziom: Racer - Race - Sunset Tunnel
Poziom: Racer - Race - Grapevine EastWood
Poziom: Racer - Race - Grand Peak Drive