Updated Leaderboard
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

Hello to all Need For Madness speedrunners or visitors of the NFM speedrunning page. I've gotten around to changing some stuff around as I got forwarded in a message I believe last month in regards to a few runs submitted to the leaderboards that more or less could provide advantages that needed to be addressed and so I've added a couple things to make sure this is rectified accordingly.


  • Added a required "Pause Strats?" variable INDIVIDUAL LEVEL CHANGES:
  • Added Official Mode + Practice Mode subcategories

First thing to address is the "Pause Strats?" variable. What is Pause Strats exactly? Well, if you look at the most recent runs of Flameblade, Pause Strats is essentially pausing the game every so often with such a short pause-unpause window that the game's capped FPS, which I think is supposed to be 21.6???, goes uncapped for a couple seconds which actually speeds the game up providing a faster run because if you've noticed when opening NFM for the first time and immediately loading up a level or ANY NFM game/fangame in general, you notice you start out super fast and out of control, but once the game caps the framerate it becomes the normal gameplay you're familiar with. Due to this, I added a variable where anybody can use the strategy but still knows with or without said strategy of who's still the fastest runner with this in mind.

Second, the Official and Practice Mode subcategories for IL's, this one's a no brainer as some people might get IL times from Sum of Best splits in the middle of a run and want to submit them, don't get me wrong I'd do the same thing, but since this involves AI cars, any AI cars present in a run must be put under Official Mode. Practice Mode should only be used if you're the only vehicle on the track doing a basic Time Trial standard race where AI has no influence on what you're doing at any given moment as it'll solely be user input and user error.

Now that these changes are added, hopefully things should be put in order and I hope this resolves any confusion even though personally I haven't kept in touch with what goes on, I just make sure runs are verified as best as I can get them to be. Happy running!

zirc, JoeGoatTV i 2 inne podobało się to
United States

thank you for adding an offical mode for the IL's, when doing time trials on them I prefer it with all the AI, as if it's a normal playthrough

iFran to się podoba


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