1 Player in 0m 30s 999ms by
Mods: (no damage amp mods used) QOL Hub Corner with Bowgunner Gal Smithy, Cake's Hub Improvements (Better Hubs - Rooms - Towns), Dropped Items efx, True weapon damage values, Better Skill Descriptions (English), Remove Monster Roar Blur, Permanent Event Quests (Iceborne), Useful Event Quest Descriptions, Reduce or Remove Bloom, Near Lift, Guiding Lands Gathering Indicator, Monster Weakness Icon Indicator for Iceborne (Hi-Res), Descriptive Food Skills (Iceborne), Performance Booster and Plugin Extender, Stracker's Loader, MHW Mod Manager
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: MR Event: Ode to the Destruction
Poziom: MR Event: Ode to the Destruction
Poziom: Arena Master Quest 07
1 odpowiedź