All Boards in 4h 56m 18s by
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | Pirate Land | 51m 30s 770ms | 51m 30s 770ms |
2 | Western Land Złoto | 46m 41s 820ms | 1h 38m 12s 590ms |
3 | Space Land Złoto | 52m 30s 497ms | 2h 30m 43s 088ms |
4 | Mystery Land | 48m 49s 667ms | 3h 19m 32s 756ms |
5 | Horror Land Złoto | 48m 38s 309ms | 4h 08m 11s 065ms |
6 | Bowser Land Złoto | 48m 07s 515ms | 4h 56m 18s 580ms |
Emulator rules update
We have updated the ruleset for Emulator runs. Check that you are using one of the emulators listed in the "Show rules" tab :)
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