Difficulty categories
9 years ago
Washington, USA

The runs here on speedrun.com seem to all be done on easy, however, my friend and I have been practicing expert runs and we are wondering if anybody tracks these anywhere else, or if it would be possible for someone to set up a different leaderboard here for expert difficulty.

Thanks for the help!


ihsoy said he would add an expert categorie if someone asked for it so it should'nt be a problem.

What are you running exactly ? all campaign or each campain separately ?


I don't know if there is an expert leaderboard somewhere but i don't think so. If you know other people runing the game on expert, tell them to come here to begin this leaderboard.

Feel free to submit your videos in another category if what you do does not exist for the moment, tell in the comments what you are doing and we'll add the categories =)

Washington, USA

Alright cool. We plan on doing individual campaigns for now, and possibly some full game runs later on. We are from the halo community and we are used to doing the easiest difficulty, and the hardest difficulty for the categories, so that just makes sense to us.

Thanks for the help! =]

United States

Do you have a full team? If not, I'd be down to join. I have a lot of expert routed already

Washington, USA

Yeah we have a group that is working on learning the game together, sorry man.

Actually, there's a fair bit of difficulty switching throughout the runs, so it's not really done on "Easy" -- more "mixed difficulties". The main problem with Expert runs is that you're essentially never going to finish a clean run on that difficulty. RNG is already hellish enough when you play only on Easy, and Expert only makes it worse. Strategies don't really differ, other than the fact that you probably have to forfeit several strats where players split up, simply because you're very likely to get killed off.

Anyway, perhaps it would be an idea not to create a separate leaderboard, but to add a variable under the existing one saying what difficulty it was on? (e.g., Mixed, Easy, Normal, Advanced, Expert) We'd avoid creating arbitrary categories this way, but the runs would still show up on the LBs.

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Minor rule changes/clarifications

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  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
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