Dev Tool - 3C-FD | "The Dev Droid"
Dev Tool - 3C-FD | "The Dev Droid"
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez Lane

[center][big]3C-FD --------------------[/big][/center]

[section=Description] During the tutorial Ebon Hawk section of the game (commonly referred to as the prologue), we receive a temporary party member to teach about the Party system: 3C-FD. This PC was never intended to be removed from the prologue, and has some interesting properties in other modules.

As it turns out 3C-FD was used during the development of the game to test various features, particularly on Peragus. Many of these test cheats are still enabled on 3C, provided you can acquire him. By using a hotshot from the Prologue we can extricate 3c from the Ebon Hawk, and use him anywhere in the game, for a variety of interesting phenomena.

[section=How To]

  1. Use a previously prepared save to hotshot to the prologue
  2. Following the tutorial to unlock the door to the main hold
  3. Collect parts from the destroyed Gonk Droid
  4. Enter into the Cargo hold and run up to 3C
  5. Repair and add him to the party.
  6. Hotshot to the module where he is needed
  7. Speak to him to perform whatever trick is needed.

Video Courtesy of 30cents:

[section=Uses] This section lists all of the conversation options of the dev droid, and where they can be found. Options with obvious results receive no explanation. Options with no known effect are marked: NKE.

Peragus Admin Level

"Play a SFX of conosole" - plays the admin console sound effect "Set up cheat command" - NKE "Play some movies" - Gives a set of prerendered cinematics to choose from and view. "Is switch flag active/not active?" - NKE - Local Boolean tester "Set hatch to open" - Sets the Harbinger hatch to open signaling the start of the Peragus end sequence and the HK-50 attack. "Hatch is open/not open" - shows current state of the hatch boolean "Let's reveal the map" "Cheat me to T3, please" - Loads up the T3 sequence in the hanger bay "I would like to perform a boolean diagnostic" - NKE - allows the arbitrary checking of the local booleans. May be useful for doing some advanced conversation skips "Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [Set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag]" - Sets the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Give me the code to the communications terminal without needing to talk to Atton" - [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Pretend T3 got the emergency hatch working. [Set "105PER_T3_End" Flag to "2"]" - sets variables to reflect that the T3 section was successfully completed "Let's pretend I went through the dormitory and got the access code. [Set the 105PER_Admin_Console flag.]" - [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Can you force Kreia's spawn flag to 2? [Set 101Per_Kreia_Spawn=2]" - Pushes forward the sequence in which Kreia meets you in the admin level [MORE INFO NEEDED] "I wish to do a node length check and a player response check" - NKE - no idea. Maybe for checking how large dialogue options can be?

Peragus Mining Tunnels

"Can you do a reveal map for map notes?" "Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [Set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag]" - Sets the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Give me the code to the communications terminal without needing to talk to Atton" - [MORE INFO NEEDED]

Peragus Fuel Depot

"Turn me into T3M4" - Transforms the PC into T3 "Set that the player already discovered the poisoning" - Gives the kolto tank poisoning context that allows you to bring it up in relevant conversations "Set all the voice print stuff" - Bypasses the annoying voice print puzzle "Move T3 into fuel pipe" "Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [Set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag]" - Sets the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Give me the code to the communications terminal without needing to talk to Atton" - [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Let T3 have it with the ambush now" - Plays the HK-50/T3 ambush cutscene, targeting the correct characters for that interaction. "Let T3 have it with the second ambush now" - Plays a modified version of the same cutscene, but the MC plays T3's role, and 3C plays HK-50's role. Which has the funny effect of the MC being stunned by 3C. "Give me HK-50's code to the droid computer. [Set 103PER_Airlock_Code flag = 1]" - [MORE INFOR NEEDED]

Peragus Asteroid Exterior

"Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Peragus Dormitories

"Give me the blasted code to the airlock, you little trash compactor" - Bypasses the quest requires to get through the airlock "Reveal the map, please" "Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [Set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag]" - Sets the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Give me the code to the communications terminal without needing to talk to Atton" - [MORE INFO NEEDED]

Peragus Hanger Bay

"Let me know when Lord Sion is here and chasing us like dogs." - Allows the setting of the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Test ambush cut-scene" - Seems to set the flag that allows T3 to be ambushed by HK-50 [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Harbinger Command Deck

"Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE "Set Revan ending from K1 to good (for briefing)" - Sets the flag from Atton's force cage conversation to reflect that the MC from KotOR selected the lightside ending. "Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [Set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag]" - Sets the Sion flag to reflect his arrival to Peragus on the harbinger, resulting in those plot developments. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Give me the code to the communications terminal without needing to talk to Atton" - [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Let's pretend I went through the dormitory and got the access code. [Set the 105PER_Admin_Console flag.]" - [MORE INFO NEEDED]

Harbinger Crew Quarters

"Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Harbinger Engine Deck

"Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Telos Restoration Zone

"Allow me to add companions, 3C" - Unlocks every single party member in the game except Mira/Hanharr (as 3C takes their place) and allows you to add them. "Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Telos Secret Academy

"Atrend2 cutscene" - Plays the final cutscene after Handmaiden Confronts Atris "Start Endgame" - Kicks off the final confrontation with Atris before the Attack on Telos and the Ravager. (Enter Atris's meditation chamber to trigger) "Start the "atriscs1" cutscene" - NKE - Would appear to be intended to start the context cutscene between the handmaidens and Atris, however it's function seems to be deprecated "Test the lightsaber creation function" - Allows for the creation of a custom lightsaber "Set "I told Atris to "f" off," flag. ["a_set262atrisoff" = 1]" - NKE - Changes a global variable that effects some context in a conversation [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Set the Atton talked to flag to 2, so I can talk to E3... er, T3. ["262_Atton_Talk = 2"]" - This flags that the reuniting conversation with the party members has already occurred, and T3 is ready to be spoken with - Was possibly also used during the 'E3' showcase for this came. "Can we test the rumble pattern?" - Allows you to play nearly every rumble pattern (ambient sound effect) in the game (at admittedly a very low volume/perhaps there is a source we need to be closer to?) "Time to cheat it up" - This script adjusts the progress in Atton's companion Conversation order. Likely used to test the changes the Force Cage cutscene has on his convos.

Nar Shadaa Docks

"Set Mira Warning to 1" - Makes the game believe that Mira has warned the exile about the bounty hunters, kicking off the Nar Shadda End portion. "Set the bounty hunter attack to 2" - Sets the global numeric "300NAR_Bounty_Attack" to 2 which progresses the Bounty Hunter questline. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Reveal the map, please" "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Nar Shadaa Jekk'Jekk Tarr

"Cause everyone in the bar to go hostile" "Set the bounty hunter attack to 2" - Sets the global numeric "300NAR_Bounty_Attack" to 2 which progresses the Bounty Hunter questline. [MORE INFO NEEDED] "Enable/Disbale cheat mode" - NKE

Malachor V Trayus Academy

"Start 903kreia" - NKE - Attempts to start the Sion/Kreia Cutscene that describes the cut quest for the Trayus academy

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