Route Guide - Any% No Dev Tools v1.0 (Under Construction)
Route Guide - Any% No Dev Tools v1.0 (Under Construction)
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez indykenobi

[center]**[big][big]Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/big]

Any% Guide v1.2: Male Jedi Guardian Route (Light Side)[/big]**[/center]

This route defeats Darth Traya on Malachor V as fast as possible; Timing begins upon clicking "PLAY" after character creation and ends on reaching Traya's last conversation. A load-removal tool is available for LiveSplit thanks to glasnonck; times are sorted based on load-removed times, since load times vary significantly in this game, and saving is frequent. This guide will cover the character build for the run, as well as a detailed route.

If you have additional questions, you can check out the KotOR Speedrunning Discord which is linked on the game's sidebar on There's a bunch of friendly folks there willing to answer questions!

[section=Character Build]

[big]Character Creation[/big] We begin as a Male Jedi Guardian; Male characters have around a 45 second advantage to Female characters because they automatically recruit the Handmaiden, while female characters have to go out of their way to recruit the Disciple. Jedi Guardian is our class for maximum attack power and the Force Jump feat; however, due to a Fake Level Up we will reclass to Jedi Consular a few levels in.

Initial Attributes

Str - 18 Dex - 14 Con - 14 Int - 8 Wis - 10 Cha - 8

Initial Skills

Stealth - 1 Persuade - 2

Initial Feat - Dueling

We are going to focus on melee attacks with a one-handed weapon, so we max out Strength immediately, and get enough Dexterity and Constitution to help us survive. The final two points are put into Wisdom for a slightly better Will save.

Skills in this run are important mostly for upgrade crafting; the skills from the Fake Level Up are carefully tuned to give us exactly enough Stealth and Repair to craft the necessary Melee Weapon upgrades. We also get enough Treat Injury to sustain ourselves with medpacs as we sprint past hordes of enemies.

We choose Dueling over Two-Weapon Fighting because our chance to hit is too low to use two weapons effectively.

[big]Leveling Plan[/big]

Our main combat plan is lots of Strength, Master Dueling, Master Critical Strike, and Master Speed, using the an upgraded vibroblade/lightsaber. This gives us three attacks per round with a 40% chance to crit on each attack; with decent luck on the few fights we do, many fights will be one round long. Dueling and Critical Strike also maximize our chances to hit people, so it's relatively consistent even without good luck on crits.

Levels 4 and 5 are part of a Fake Level Up where we grab all our necessary feats and Force powers for combat. We use Kreia's levels to give us both Master Speed and Master Valor, which reclasses the MC to a Jedi Consular for the rest of the run.

It's also important to note that you may never reach level 9 in this run. This isn't a major issue, as the only useful thing we get from that level is Master Dueling for one extra Attack and Damage.

Skill notes:

    • The one point in Stealth at the start is necessary to get up to 18 Stealth to craft a melee upgrade.
    • Persuade at the beginning allows us to save a little money when we bribe Corrun Falt to give us access to the Czerka mainframe. This is actually pretty tight, so we need to cast Valor to get the Persuade to work.
    • We grab Stealth and Repair during the FLU so we can craft the appropriate melee upgrades immediately afterwards.
    • After the FLU, we have all the skills we need, so we just dump them into Persuade after that.

Feat notes:

    • We actually do more fights with a vibroblade than a lightsaber, so Focus: Melee Weapons is an important feat to grab early. We never actually use a lightsaber for a fight, so we grab Toughness to give ourselves a little extra survivability.
    • Critical Strike and Dueling are our main feats; when combined with the upgrades we craft, this creates a quite potent combat core.
    • We grab Empathy to help with one specific Persuade check: Persuading Corrun Falt to aid in stealing Czerka's information for only 500 credits, instead of 1000. This is important as credits are tight at that part of the run.

Force Power notes:

    • Force Speed is the most important skill, giving double movement speed. Master Speed also grants +2 attacks per round, which is highly important for maximizing our damage and chances to crit. It also grants +6 to Defense, which is great for our survivability.
    • Force Valor is used to boost stats and saving throws for some Persuade checks and our crafting. It also helps with survivability and boosts during some tough fights. Once we obtain Force Enlightenment, this gets cast as part of that,
    • Force Deflection helps with some survivablility by deflecting some of the shots that target us as we run past enemies.
    • Force Aura and Shield help with our survivability as well; however, we never cast this separately. Instead, it gets cast as part of Force Enlightenment after Dantooine.
    • Battle Meditation is similarly taken to keep menus clean, but can be used to help with some of the late game fights.
    • Force Enlightenment is obtained upon reaching the rebuilt Jedi Enclave. It automatically casts our highest level of Force Speed, Force Valor, and Force Aura, making it the best and only necessary power for the endgame.
    • If we reach level 9, Affect/Dominate Mind is taken to keep our menus clean.

[section=Equipment Plan] This section contains the equipment we'll use during the run, as well as where we obtain it. Equipment is much less important in KotOR II speedruns, so we really only worry about our weapons.

Armband: MC's Armband - Found on Harbinger

  • This boosts our Constitution by 1, giving us a little more survivability.

Body: Random Robe - Bought on Telos

  • When shopping on Telos, we buy whatever robe fits into our budget. We only have about 400-600 spare credits, and the robe doesn't matter that much, so there's nothing wrong with wearing clothes or the Miner's Uniform for the entire run. Here are some of the possible robes in Sahman's shop, in rough order of preference:
  1. Matukai Apprentice Robe: +1 to Str/Dex/Con is very strong for our build, and the robe is quite cheap.
  2. (Dark) Padawan Robe: Only +1 Defense, but at 50 Credits doesn't interfere with the rest of the shopping.
  3. Jal Shey Neophyte Armor: The +1 Persuade helps with the one Persuade check, but this robe is expensive enough at 600 credits to really put a crimp in our shopping.

Weapon: Vibrosword - Crafted on Telos

  • We craft both the Vibrosword itself and signifcant upgrades for it on Citadel Station: Upgrades Used:
  • Improved Mullinine Edge: Used for Keen, which combines with Critical Strike to give high chance of crits. Also +1-4 Slashing Damage doesn't hurt.
  • Sonic Discharge Cell Mark II: Used for Massive Criticals +2-12 and +4 Sonic Damage; the -1 Attack is ameliorated by the Dueling feat and the next upgrade.
  • Advanced Zabrak Grip: Used for +3 Attack and a +2 Slashing Damage Bonus. The -2 Defense doesn't really matter; Master Speed helps make up for that.

Weapon: Lightsaber - Found/Crafted after Onderon

  • We equip this in our secondary weapon slot after defeating Visas on our way off of Dxun; however, it's only ever used for movement (via Force Jumps) and defense for deflecting blaster bolts. Every fight is done with the upgraded vibroblade.

[section=Credits Route] We do only one shopping and crafting trip during the run as follows:

1. Crafting on Citadel Station Breakdown: Droid Self-Sustaining Unit for ~300 Components Create: Improved Mullinine Edge, Sonic Discharge Cell Mark II, Advanced Zabrak Grip, Vibrosword, Parts

2. Shopping on Citadel Station Sell: Nonessential items to reach ~2000 Credits Buy: A Robe (possibly), 1x Hyper Alacrity, 1x Hyper Stamina, up to 3x Adrenal Alacrity, up to 2x Adrenal Stamina, up to 8x Adrenal Strength, 5-6x Frag Grenade, Extra Medpacs Keep: At least 500 Credits

Notice that the only things we buy are medpacs and stims; with the possible exception of a robe, any equipment we use is found during the run. Because of this, we're able to get by on credits without making any detours.

[section=Alignment Route] Alignment in KotOR II is a sliding scale from 0 to 100, initialized at 50; higher numbers are Light, lower numbers are dark. Unlike in KotOR I, many of the alignment shifts in KotOR II have a fixed value, regardless of the character's current alignment; the usual Low/Mid/High Light/Dark actions do exist, but they are much rarer. The main goal of the alignment route in this speedrun is to hit 75 alignment, which causes Visas to appear on the Ebon Hawk the next time we arrive.

Here is the current alignment route used in the run:

The most important point in this route is obtaining Opo Chano's droid mechanic credentials. There are two options: either threaten him, or pay off his debt. The former option, at that point in the route, loses 4 alignment points, while the latter gains two points. By getting enough LSP elsewhere in the run, we can take the -4 hit from this, which lets us save the Self-Sustaining Droid Unit for breaking down into components, rather than having to be sold for credits to pay this debt.

Two other notes on the starred actions above:

  • The conversation with Kreia upon leaving Peragus has several options that are hardcoded to give +1 LSP. The conversation chosen hits the maximum of 8 of those for +8 LSP total.
  • The conversation with Atris is able to be skipped with a difficult Hard Buffer, which also skips +1 LSP. If successful, the makeup is to talk to Kreia upon reaching Dxun to get the required LSP.

[section=Route Overview] This is a brief outline of the route for the Any% run, including planet order and major skips:

1. Peragus II

    • Defeat HK-50 to escape to the Harbinger
    • Make it through the Harbinger and Fuel Depot to the Ebon Hawk

2. Citadel Station

    • Clip into the Ithorian Hangar to rescue the Ithorian droid
    • Fake Level Up to gain Master Speed, Master Valor, and Master Critical Strike
    • Construct and upgrade weapon; buy stims
    • Clip into the Czerka mainframe to steal their information
    • Use the Ithorian's shuttle to reach the surface of Telos

3. Telos Surface

    • Reach and survive the Military Base
    • Take the shuttle to the Polar Academy
    • Regain the Ebon Hawk from Atris

4. Dxun/Onderon

    • Gain enough influence with Mandalore to reach Onderon
    • Clear Dhagon Ghent of the murder charge
    • "Meet" with Master Kavar
    • Recruit Mandalore and Visas

5. Dantooine

    • Clip into the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
    • Defeat Atris on Telos

6. Ravager

    • Defeat Darth Nihilus on the bridge
    • Plant proton cores to destroy the ship

7. Malachor V

    • Reach the Sith Academy
    • Skip the Darth Sion fight
    • Skip the Darth Traya fight

The clip on Dantooine skips the entirety of Nar Shaddaa, Dantooine itself, and Korriban, along with half of Dxun/Onderon. However, we need the appropriate party members in order to not softlock in the end game:

  • Mandalore
  • Visas
  • Handmaiden/Disciple

Hence, we go to Dxun/Onderon to recruit Mandalore. We get Visas by reaching 75 alignment and returning to the Ebon Hawk. And as a male character, the Handmaiden is automatically recruited after Telos. We don't need G0-T0 or Mira/Hanharr at all.

[section=Detailed Route]

This section will describe all the actions you'll need to take for the Any% run.

Notation: ¤ indicates a glitch or trick to be done

indicates a level up to be done } indicates an inventory/equipment action to be done

Conversation Notes: If no conversation choices are specified, spamming will work (this chooses all 1 options). A | indicates a break in the conversation. You have to talk to the person again. A ¤ indicates a variable answer, such as in reciting the Sith Code. A #¤ indicates a Persuade check that may fail. A #xY indicates repeat that option Y times, as in Gadon Thek's first conversation.

[center][big]---------------------------- Character Creation ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Male Jedi Guardian - Custom Character Str to 18, Dex to 14, Con to 14, Wis to 10 Stealth to 1, Persuade to 2 Initial Feat: Dueling Pick a good name! Hit Play!

[center][big]---------------------------- Prologue ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Ebon Hawk: Loot plasteel cylinder Hack communications console Bash open footlocker Loot broken droid End Prologue in cockpit: 2

[center][big]---------------------------- Peragus II ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Administration Level: Hack medical computer: 4,3,6 Loot corpse for Plasma Torch ¤ Hard Buffer to skip Kriea's conversation } Equip Plasma Torch Bash open broken door Loot corspe for Vibroblade Run through several doors Loot corpse in front of lockers Bash open security locker Use Ion Grenade to destroy three mining droids Hack administration computer

Level to 2

  • Persuade to 3
  • Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons
  • Force Speed Talk to Atton: 5,1x8,2,1,3,1 | 1spam Hack administration computer: 2,2,1spam

Hangar Level: Use security on low security door in front of you Hack Hangar Control: 1,1,2,2,2 Loot Broken Droid near Fuel Depot entrance Enter Fuel Depot Hack Fuel Control Station: 3,1,2 Atton makes small talk Take elevator to Mining Tunnels

Mining Tunnels: Atton on comlink: 4 Loot Plasteel Cylinder and Broken Droid } Equip Mining Uniform, Telos Mining Shield, Survey Gear } Use Mining Shield Run through Mining Tunnels

  • Loot Broken Droids and corpses
  • We want to get an Adrenal Alacrity from a corpse
  • The Broken Droids will get us items to sell for credits on Telos Hack Central Controller: 2,1,2 Bash open plasteel cylinder Take turbolift to Fuel Depot

Fuel Depot/Dormitories: Talk to HK-50: 5,1x11,2 Loot maintenance officer ¤ Hard buffer to skip droid cutscene Destroy maintenance console: 6 Loot locker for Space Suit Use Adrenal Alacrity/Force Speed as you exit the airlock ¤ Hard buffer to skip Harbinger's arrival Enter dormitory level Loot corpse in cafeteria area Loot Coorta and two other corpses near terminal Destroy turbolift console: 3

Administration Level: Talk to and recruit Kreia Bash open footlocker for Ion Grenades } Equip Vibroblade in secondary weapon slot } Swap Weapon to Vibroblade Talk to HK-50: 3,4 HK-50 fight:

  • Atton: Ion Grenade, Sniper Shot
  • MC: Ion Grenade, Flurry Activate Solo Mode Kreia runs to the docking bay Loot HK-50 for Droid Self-Sustaining Unit Enter Harbinger

[center][big]---------------------------- Harbinger ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Harbinger: Activate Solo Mode Mash through Kreia's interruption As Kreia, hack Navicomputer: 1,1,2 Cast Speed, then Switch back to MC Bash open doors to reach Crew Quarters Activate Solo Mode Loot MC's footlocker Run through Medical Bay to Engine Deck After Atton's interruption, swap party members back to MC

  • He gets frozen in place for some reason unless you swap around ¤ Hard buffer to skip Sion CS Activate Solo Mode Bash open door and hack Engine Maintenance Console Switch to Kreia Hack Ion Engine Control ¤ Hard buffer to skip CS Enter Fuel Depot

Fuel Depot/Hangar: Talk to T3: 3,1 Activate Solo Mode Loot concealed stash for Hangar 25 module Set off all mines Hack Force Field console Enter the Hangar Level } Swap Weapon to Plasma Torch } Medpac for health if needed Hack Hangar Control: 1,2,1,1,2

When you run low on health, Level to 3

  • Persuade to 4
  • Empathy
  • Force Valor Blow open Decon door: 3 Board Ebon Hawk Shoot lots of Sith soldiers

Ebon Hawk: Talk with Atton: 6,2 Talk to Kreia/Atton: 4,3,3 Talk to T3: 4, 2spam

  • This gets us 11 computer spikes Talk to Kreia: 2x7,1,3,1x10,4,3,2,1x6,2,1 Talk to Atton: 3,3,1,2,1spam Fly to Telos

[center][big]---------------------------- Citadel Station ----------------------------[/big][/center]

The TSF and Shopping: ¤ Hard buffer to skip arrest ¤ Clip through wall into Ithorian hangar

  • This clip is pretty finicky; this image shows one setup that works, with Kreia spawned on the other side of the wall

Kill the attacking thugs

  • While doing so, Kreia activates information terminal outside hangar: 2 Talk to Ithorian/droid Talk to Ithorians in their compound Use info terminal outside Ithorian compound: 3 Go to Residential Module as the MC
  • Otherwise you'll crash! Use info terminal: 3 Go to Entertainment Module } Add Kreia/Atton back to party Sullustan begs for help: 1,1,2,1 Activate Solo Mode
  • Atton/MC fight the mercenaries
  • Kreia runs to TSF station Sullustan thanks you: 1,1,2 Talk to TSF droid: 1,1,1,4 Loot all lockers for the stuff } Remove Atton from Party ¤ Fake Level Up (FLU) with Kreia on Footlocker
    • Make sure MC has at least 10000 XP; otherwise this won't work
    • If he doesn't, you can talk to Sahman about the modified blaster pistol to get some extra
    • Trigger FLU with footlocker as Kreia
    • Level swap Kreia to 4
      • Recommended Attribute, no Skills, Force Valor
    • Level Kreia normally through 14
      • Recommended Attributes, no Skills
      • Setup Force Powers for Master Speed/Valor
      • Setup Feats for Master Critical Strike
    • Exit menu, open footlocker, open menu
    • Level swap Kreia to 15
      • 18 Stealth, 7 Awareness, 18 Repair, 18 Treat Injury
      • Master Critical Strike, Master Speed, Master Valor

Switch back to MC } Cast Master Valor

  • You need this to reach 18 Stealth for the crafting we're about to do } Use workbench near Sahman Dobo: 3
  • Breakdown Droid Self-Sustaining Unit for ~300 components
  • Create:
    • Improved Mullinine Edge
    • Sonic Discharge Cell Mark II
    • Advanced Zabrak Grip
    • Parts
    • Vibrosword } Use workbench again: 2
  • Upgrade Vibrosword with all three upgrades crafted above Talk to Sahman Dobo: 2


  • Medpacs
  • 8 Computer Spikes
  • Miner Uniform
  • Plasma Torch
  • Vibrosword
  • Ion Grenade
  • 1 Energy Shield
  • MC's Armband
  • Stims Buy:
  • Up to 4 Adrenal Alacrity
  • Up to 3 Adrenal Stamina
  • Up to 7 Adrenal Strength
  • Up to 5 Frag Grenades
  • Some sort of cheap robe (Matukai Apprentice Robe preferred) if available
  • Buy as many medpacs as possible from the other Duros, but... End: Have at least 500 credits

Dealing with The Exchange: Enter Cantina, talk to Luxa, exit Cantina

  • You may need to Hard Buffer a conversation on the other end of the bar to Luxa Use info terminal: 2,2 } Equip Robe/Vibrosword to MC, Hold-Out Blaster to Kreia Talk to Exchange thug: 2 Activate Solo Mode Secretary accosts you: 3 ¤ At closed door, hard buffer to skip CS and fight Talk to Gamorrean outside Slusk's office Use ion grenade on guard droids Mash through convos with Quarren/Luxa } Use Adrenal Strength Kill Luxa and her Gamorreans Exit Exchange and go to Ithorian compound Activate Solo Mode to leave party at exit Talk to Chodo Habat: 1,2,1spam Use info terminal: 2,2

Dealing with Czerka: Enter Cantina Activate Solo Mode } Cast Master Valor, then talk to Corrun Falt

  • The extra stats from Valor help the Persuade check succeed Exit Cantina, use info terminal: 2,2 Activate Solo Mode Enter apartment B2: 1,1,1,2,1,2 Swap to Kreia and cast speed Enter Czerka Corp B-4D4 greets you at entrance: 3 ¤ Clip through mainframe door (right side) Hack mainframe Talk to B-4D4 As B-4D4, talk to Chodo Habat Talk to Chodo Habat again Use info terminal: 2,1 Moza interrupts you: 1 Use terminal to enter hangar and take shuttle to surface

[center][big]---------------------------- Telos Surface ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Reconstruction Zone: Set Party to Kreia and Bao-Dur Activate Solo Mode Run past everyone while mashing all interruptions ¤ Hard buffer to skip mercenary fight at military compound Kill defense turrets and hack terminal Enter the Military Base

Military Base: Attack force field Activate Solo Mode and tuck MC and Kreia in a corner

  • We don't want them to get into combat Ready Bao-Dur: } Equip Bao-Dur with Mining Uniform, Plasma Torch, Energy Shield } Use Energy Shield and All Basic Stims on Bao-Dur } Cast Master Valor Run with Bao-Dur to Hangar
  • Bash all locked doors/force fields Hack security control, then deactivate Solo Mode
  • This will warp Kreia and MC to Bao-Dur, as long as they aren't in combat Use Plasma Torch to open both nearby doors Once your party has warped to Bao-Dur, reactivate Solo Mode } Reapply Energy Shield to Bao-Dur Recast Valor and run with Bao-Dur to the reactor ¤ After second door, hug left corner to avoid Czerka convo
  • Hack terminal in second room to explode droids Activate the reactor } Unequip Bao-Dur completely, equip Plasma Torch to Kreia Deactivate Solo Mode with Kreia or MC as lead As MC, cast Master Speed/Master Valor Attack Tank Droid with MC Once Bao-Dur has warped back, reactivate Solo Mode Put Bao-Dur in the computer room Run with Kreia to loot footlocker and metal box in side room Swap to Bao-Dur and hack computer to open hangar bay doors Swap to PC and board shuttle

Polar Academy: ¤ Hard buffer on polar plateau to skip HK fight Enter the polar academy Handmaiden confronts you: 1,3 ¤ Hard buffer to skip Atris conversation

  • This is a very tiny window, which occurs after the CS showing your MC walking forward
  • If you miss it, speak with Atris: 1,1,8,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,2,3,3
  • If you get it, you'll have to speak with Kreia later to get a missing LSP Run to cells Speak with Kreia/Atton/Bao-Dur: 1,7,3,1,3,1 Run to and free T3 (mash conversation) Recast Speed Board the Ebon Hawk Mash all text until the end of the Jedi Council CS Talk to Party: 1,1,3,3,3,1,1 ¤ After loading, Hard Buffer to skip Bao-Dur cutscenes Fly to Onderon Atton freaks out: 2 | 2,4,1 Leave the Ebon Hawk; Set Party to T3, Kreia

[center][big]---------------------------- Dxun ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Mandalorian Camp: **If you got the Atris skip on Telos, talk to Kreia for a LSP here Activate Solo Mode } Equip Vibrosword, MC's Armband Run through Jungle

  • Mash all interruptions
  • Duros conversation: 5 Activate Solo Mode Mandalorians accost you Talk to Mandalore: 3,1,3 Activate Solo Mode Swap to T3 Talk to Zuka: 1,1,1,1,3 Fix broken wires
  • You need 2 Parts to do this by default with T3; if you crafted Parts on Telos you should be fine
  • If you're short, you can Auto-Level T3 to do this with only 1 Parts. Swap to MC

Level to 6:

  • Persuade to 5
  • Improved Dueling
  • Force Aura and Force Shield Run to computer and hack Swap to Kreia and exit to Jungle

Dxun Jungle: Activate Solo Mode For this section, both MC and Kreia have actions to perform. You can and should try to do them concurrently as much as possible.

As MC:

  • Take left branch
  • Kill cannok at next intersection and loot for power converter part
  • Continue straight, then take right turn heading south } Use Adrenal Strength
  • Kill cannok right before zakkeg area and loot for power converter part
  • Kill zakkeg and loot for ear As Kreia:
  • Take right branch, then another right
  • Follow this loop all the way until the next right turn
  • Kill the cannok around here and loot for power converter part
  • Take that right turn up the hill and activate detonator Once you've finished all of this, swap to T3 and enter the camp

Sith Ambush: Talk to Mandalorian Commander: 2,3 Talk to Zuka twice: 2 | 1spam Talk to Mandalore: 1,1,1,2,1 When prompted, swap out T3 for Handmaiden

Level to 7:

  • Persuade to 6
  • Force Deflection Run towards main camp area ¤ Hard buffer to skip Kelborn's stealth raid Run to front of Mandalore's room to trigger Sith Assassin spawn } Use Adrenal Strength Kill all Sith Assassins:
  • The fight generally ends when only one Sith Assassin remains
  • You need to kill all the Sith in front of Mandalore's room
  • There are two types of Sith; the stealthed ones are stronger
  • Focus on the stealthed ones; the Mandalorians can actually kill the others
  • Keep Master Speed and Adrenal Strength on; you will likely need to reapply both Once the fight ends, when prompted, add Kreia to party

[center][big]---------------------------- Onderon ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Arriving on Onderon: Talk to Port Master Talk to Checkpoint Guard Enter Merchant Quarter Political debaters interrupt you: 4 Enter Western Square ¤ Hard buffer to skip mercenary fight ¤ Talk to Thug

  • This triggers the conversation that normally occurs in front of Dhagon Ghent's place Return to Merchant Square Activate Solo Mode Talk to Captain Riikan: 1x5, 3 Switch to Kreia and enter Western Square Enter Cantina

Murder Investigation: Activate Solo Mode Talk to Kiph: 1x5, 2 Talk to Nikko: 1x5, 3 Switch to Kreia and Exit Cantina Activate Solo Mode and switch to MC Loot broken droid on right side of square Switch to Kreia and Enter Cantina Activate Solo Mode Talk to Panar in right hand room Switch to Kreia and Exit Cantina Activate Solo Mode Talk to 1B-8D Switch to Kreia and Enter Cantina Talk to Kiph, then Nikko, then Riikan

Meeting Kavar: Talk to Dhagon Mash through thug conversation as you leave Reenter Cantina Activate Solo Mode } Cast Master Valor and use Adrenal Strength Talk to Bakkel, kill her, and loot her Switch to Kreia and Exit Cantina Talk to Dhagon ¤ After loading, hard buffer to skip Kavar

  • This also skips Vaklu trying to kill you Leave Cantina

Level to 8:

  • Strength to 19
  • Persuade to 7
  • Battle Meditation ¤ Hard buffer to skip Bounty Hunter fight in Western Square Go to Merchant Square Captain accosts you at spaceport entrance: 1,2 Leave Onderon in shuttle

Leaving Dxun: Talk to Mandalorian Guide Reboard Ebon Hawk You accost Visas: 1 } Cast Master Speed Defeat Visas Talk to Visas/Atton/Handmaiden: 1,1,3,1,1 } Equip Lightsaber in secondary weapon slot

  • If you don't have one, talk to Bao-Dur to construct one
  • Bao-Dur: 1,1 | 4,4,2
  • Since we only use this for Force Jump/Defense, it can be a Short Lightsaber or Double-Bladed. } Swap Weapon to Lightsaber Fly to Dantooine

[center][big]---------------------------- Dantooine ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Dantooine: Leave Ebon Hawk Attendant accosts you: 4 Run to courtyard ¤ Clip through door to enter Rebuilt Jedi Enclave

  • You may need to clear out the kath hounds first
  • If you can reach the door without entering combat, you can skip killing them if you're quick
  • Otherwise, Swap Weapon to Vibrosword and use Adrenal Strength/Master Valor to help you take out the hounds Mash through all conversations } Swap Weapon to Vibrosword Leave the enclave

Polar Academy: ¤ Hard buffer to skip Atton CS Talk to Visas: 5 Fight Atris as Handmaiden:

  • Run right next to Atris
  • Use all frag grenades
  • One of the two must die but it doesn't matter which one Defeat Atris as MC:
  • Use Force Enlightenment and Master Crit Strike
  • You can one-shot both phases of Atris
  • Mash all conversations with Atris/Handmaiden

[center][big]---------------------------- The Ravager ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Citadel Station: ¤ Hard buffer to skip Lt. Grenn } Swap Weapon to Lightsaber Mandalore accosts you Run/Force Jump to Hangar Mandalore accosts you Accept party composition Talk to Mandalore again

The Ravager: ¤ Hard buffer to skip CS Run/Force Jump to bottom center proton core Run/Force Jump to bottom right proton core Enter the Bridge Deck and Run/Force Jump to Darth Nihilus } Swap Weapon to Vibrosword Defeat Darth Nihilus

  • Mash conversations } Cast Force Enlightenment and use Basic Adrenals
  • When he reaches half health, the screen fades; spam Crit Strike during this to hit him again
  • When the screen goes black after defeating him again, QUICKSAVE
  • This will skip the cutscenes after Nihilus, but he still counts as dead } Swap Weapon to Lightsaber and leave the bridge Run/Force Jump to top proton core Get proton core from Missile Bay Run/Force Jump to bottom left proton core Leave the Ravager

[center][big]---------------------------- Malachor V ----------------------------[/big][/center]

Malachor Depths:

Level to 9:

  • Persuade to 10
  • Master Dueling
  • Affect/Dominate Mind
  • Note: You may never reach level 9 Run/Force Jump to Malachor Depths
  • Take these turns: straight, right, left, right, left, right
  • That should get you to a bridge you cross
  • Then run a little further, take a very sharp right, and go straight Run/Force Jump to Trayus Academy
  • Take these turns: left, right, right
  • This should bring you to a gate ¤ After going through the gate, hard buffer to skip Greater Storm Beast ¤ Hard buffer to skip CS in front of Academy

Trayus Academy: Run/Force Jump through Academy

  • At end of first hall, take left door and go through two more doors
  • Take door on right, and enter Trayus Crescent Follow this path until the long room; cast Force Enlightenment here
  • We want our speed to wear off at the right time for Sion Skip After reentering the Academy area, go through two more doors ¤ Save Teleport to skip Darth Sion
  • This is a fairly precise teleport, and needs Speed to be worn off
  • Use this image to help you line up the teleport:

Trayus Core: ¤ Hard buffer past CS in the Core

If you have the fast-text glitch active, you can attempt the full Traya skip; if not, you can still do the half Traya skip. Both explanations follow.

Full Traya Skip:

  • QUICKSAVE right next to Traya
  • Spam 4, Default Action, and mouse clicks
  • If you mash fast enough, you'll trigger her middle conversation before the first phase starts AND the ending conversation before the second phase starts.
  • This skips the entire fight. If you fail, just QUICKLOAD and try again

Half Traya Skip: } Swap Weapon to Vibroblade } First, cast Force Enlightenment and Battle Meditation } Use all stims

  • QUICKSAVE right next to Traya
  • Spam 4, Default Action, and mouse clicks
  • This should skip Phase 1 of the fight; if you miss, QUICKLOAD
  • If she spawns the lightsabers around her, you got the first phase skip
  • Then just use Critical Strike to defeat Traya
  • If she stuns you, you may want to QUICKLOAD and try again

[section=Version History]

v1.2 (April 2019)

  • Moved the FLU to earlier in the run to allow for more convenient upgrading
  • Tweaked the upgrades built
  • Tweaked the shopping trip
  • Cut the shopping trip on Dxun v1.1 (April 2019)
  • Some major tweaks, including:
    • Tweaked character build to include enough Stealth and Repair for upgrade crafting
    • Streamlined alignment route to include threatening Opo Chano for droid credentials
    • Rerouted Dxun prestige hunting to cut Kelborn and Kumas, and do the phase converter instead. v1.0 (April 2019)
  • Uploaded the initial guide with the Male Jedi Guardian route


If you made it this far, congratulations! Thanks for reading the guide. Please let indykenobi know if you have any comments or questions (best way to contact is via Twitter).

I'd like to acknowledge glasnonck and thinkshooter, whose runs got me into KotOR speedrunning, as well as glasnonck and redmage, whose runs I learned from and helped shape this guide. This category has some ridiculous skips in it, so it's pretty fun. Just hang on through the Military Base...

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