NOTE: Done without speed glitch that can save you well over half minute.
Speedrunning this game is such a painful experience, the amount of places where you can get stuck (and end your run) is just overwhelming.
0:11 - 0:19 monsters can easily block you, the columns also are obstacles for you, however going middle greatly increases your chance to get stuck 0:37 - 0:41 probably the most difficult hall in the game, kill as many monsters as you can and keep jumping to avoid contact; trying to get past monsters behind the columns gives you 90% chance to get stuck while jumping on the stairs 0:47 shooting at the boss allows you to get through him 0:50 - 1:05 trackmania 1:10 stuck gate 1:11 - 1:27 second hardest hall in the game, kill the monsters and pray to don't get stuck 1:28 strangely, passing this boss from the right side causes the gate to open, close and reopen which costs you about 2-3 seconds 1:32 - 1:38 last stuck zone 1:39 second stuck gate 2:20 luckily got there in just one jump
Lost time: 0:10 two microstucks here, ~1 sec lost 0:38 ~2 secs lost 1:25 ~2 secs lost 1:35 ~1 sec lost
Possible time: 2:28-2:30
Hope you enjoy :)