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Glitchless White Robe Any % run.
I started the run at ~1 minute according to the PlayStation timer at the top left and ended the run at ~49:07.
Over edit : Normally it's best practise to just begin at Chapter Selection and manually add 1:20 to your total time, or begin at 1:20. It's the time it takes to go to Chapter Select. I retimed your run, you began at Chapter Select at 4.42 and finished at 48:59 + we add the 1:20 and it appears that your time is 45:37. I added a 2 seconds enalty because you used by inatention a little dive boost at 12:39 on Pink Desert. It is not allowed in Glitchless even if it's a common mistake for new runners of Glitchless category. It is like that because that mechanic can really broke entire levels when used intensively so it's easier to just ban it.