New Goal% category?
Hey comrades. I had an idea. What do you think about making a category about scoring a goal as fast as you can? This goal must not be a compulsory goal because of the story and the 4vs4 encounters also wont count. Then, the run would end when you score the first goal on the first match not affected by the story, which means agaisnt the Secret Service on IE2.
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We can now announce the Inazuma Eleven Speedrunning Christmas Tournament! The tournament will run as follows:
- Inazuma Eleven Any% PAL.
- Inazuma Eleven Peabody% PAL/JP.
- Inazuma Eleven 2 Player% PAL/JP. If someone in the period from 20/12/2021 - 09/01/2022 gets the best time in these 3 categ
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