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Any% in 1h 16m 22s by
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Almost forgot to submit this tiny PB. Had enough timesave to be Top 10 at some point but sadly dying in Four Eyes ruined a decent attempt. I will hopefully be able to get some biiig improvements soon, happy to be back to this grind again!
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez Splits.io
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | Why am I playing this? | 6m 23s 977ms | 6m 23s 977ms |
2 | Petwig | 2m 21s 278ms | 8m 45s 255ms |
3 | Smellfoy | 5m 00s 016ms | 13m 45s 271ms |
4 | Fireseeds (not skip) | 4m 35s 645ms | 18m 20s 916ms |
5 | Broom Fight Złoto | 0m 57s 577ms | 19m 18s 493ms |
6 | Broomstick League | 8m 37s 970ms | 27m 56s 463ms |
7 | Slippery Coin Gathering | 11m 12s 456ms | 39m 08s 919ms |
8 | PeaSnoppen, OwlBollar and FrogWarts | 3m 42s 066ms | 42m 50s 985ms |
9 | Forest | 4m 18s 889ms | 47m 09s 874ms |
10 | Brain (not skip) | 3m 22s 239ms | 50m 32s 113ms |
11 | Glasses wearing Human | 6m 19s 623ms | 56m 51s 736ms |
12 | Library Pominięte | — | — |
13 | Devil's Snare | 8m 05s 317ms | 1h 04m 57s 053ms |
14 | Which King? | 5m 15s 357ms | 1h 10m 12s 410ms |
15 | Potion | 2m 30s 508ms | 1h 12m 42s 918ms |
16 | Done Złoto | 3m 39s 272ms | 1h 16m 22s 190ms |
Updates regarding rules around run recordings
Hey everyone. Today we have a small update for you all regarding some changes to the rules regarding recordings of runs.
For a long, long time now it has been a requirement for PC runs to have both clear visuals of the game throughout the entire run (so not hiding any game HUD elements or FPS count
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