How are ghosts saved?
I'm on 360,offline, and seems like some of the time trials tracks/vehicles the ghosts are saved while others aren't. Is there something I'm missing?
Edytowane przez autor
Hi, perhaps ghosts aren't saved if you got a penalty during your lap/race. Have you noticed a pattern in that regard that could help narrow it down?
I am on PC. Seems like they also won't save any ghost. Online ghost seems no longer work either
And no, none of my run get penalty or smth
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Autodromo do Algarve - Club Circuit
Poziom: Red Bull Ring - GP Circuit
Poziom: Autosport Raceway - GP Circuit
Poziom: Circuito del Jarama - GP Jarama Circuit
Poziom: San Francisco - Grand Prix Circuit