Route for Career Any%
Route for Career Any%
Zaktualizowany 4 years ago przez AlephFrTank
  1. Major points

  2. Abbreviations list and meaning

  3. Route

  4. Major points

  • Please keep in mind that this route is designed for Ultimate version, with VIP 10% money bonus and free GRID edition cars. It will surely not work with Standard edition

  • Loading times are not counted, the time we use is game time so don't worry if your run isn't "good enough" with loads, it could be much better than you think without loads.

-3 corner cuts seems to be permitted before disqualification and max penalty is 5 seconds so it's always worth it to take one shortcut per lap if you found one that makes you win some time. However some cuts can be counted as two by the game so it's always safer to just stick to 2 cuts per race so you don't dnf

-This route was performed by me in easiest settings, it will surely not work in harder settings, especially when you have to win some races

  1. Abbreviations list and meaning
  • Each event is displayed as (Letters)(Number) (Race name)(Additional info if needed)/(Race... so it's faster to read on Livesplit and easy to understand

-Each letter (or letters) is a race category, the only exception is for showdowns, which are displayed as the team you'll need to beat's name T: Touring G: GT FA: FA Racing I: Invitational WS: GRID World Series

-Each number is the place on the category's list in Career menu It goes from 1 to 13 for Touring, GT and FA Racing and you count from left to right It goes from 1 to 26 for Invitational and you count from up to bottom then left to right It goes from 1 to 6 for GRID World Series and you count from left to right

-Some races have knowned shortcuts which have codenames for the type they are: CCut is Chicane cut, basically going straight out of the track to avoid chicane GCut is Grass cut, basically cutting a whole series of corners by driving on grass ( or other non track surface)

-Race name displays the location of the race where you have to drive and finish the race 1st. The other races of the series, if they exist, are skipped by pressing start when race starts and abandon immediatly When events host several races in same location, circuit name is written instead When no race name is displayed, it's beacause the event has only one race

  1. Route (First race is at the top, last at the bottom) T1 Brands Hatch T2 Okutama T3 T4 Druitt CCut T5 Havana T7 Shanghai G1 G2 Silverstone G3 Silverstone G4 Brands Hatch T8 Brands Hatch / Barcelona T9 Zhejiang CCut (On first chicane in normal way) / Shanghai T10 Crescent Valley / Indianapolis T13 Okutama Hammerhead Showdown G6 Brands Hatch G9 Crescent Valley G10 G13 Sydney Euro Rand Showdown FA1 Shanghai FA2 Druitt CCut FA4 FA6 Shanghai FA9 Zhejiang Ccut FA10 Okutama FA12 FA13 Fernando Alonso Showdown I24 I25 I26 Aurora Showdown WS1 Brands Hatch / Sydney WS2 Okutama / Crescent WS3 Zhejiang CCut / Sydney WS4 Crescent / Havana WS5 Zhejiang CCut / Brands Hatch WS6 Zhejiang CCut / Havana Ravenwest Showdown
Statystyki gry
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Brands Hatch - Indy Circuit
Poziom: Crescent Valley - Oval Circuit
Poziom: Crescent Valley - Oval Circuit
Poziom: Indianapolis - Road Course Reversed
Najnowsze wątki
Opublikowano 2 years ago