Community question- is phantom jump a skip or not?

A clip demonstrating Phantom Jump is at the end, so please watch that before deciding.

I asked Klimbrio1 whether "Phantom Jump" (Sadly, I don't know who created that name.) is a skip or not. He said it should be a community consensus. So, here we are! Should Phantom Jump be considered a skip, (Therefore outlawing it's use in no skips,) and if so, should it also be required in 100%? The case for it being a skip is that it does in fact skip part of slide, and bears similarities to Box Skip. Personally, I believe that since it touches slide, it does not skip any part of the game. But, tell us what you think, and we'll decide from there!

Here is a brief clip demonstrating Phantom Jump:


wait, you need to do the slide skip in order to do it right??


and how do you even benefit from that. That's another question.

no. you don't complete the slide skip segment (Press T. SS is slide skip.) you benefit because in no skips, that could provide some additional speed if preformed correctly.


I did kinda try to use that (but the reversed way) in no skip for a while so I'd say no


it's not a skip, it's like a technique. Although I'd mark it as a semi-skip (my way of saying)


Haha semi-skip would be cool but that's the point, is a semi-skip enough a skip for it to be forbidden in no skips, and required in 100%, or is it enough not a skip for it to be allowed in no skips? Ok... Yesterday I would've said it's box skip, because it uses the boxes (presents) to skip slide, or part of it.

A bit more thinking and I've actually changed my mind. Phantom Jump is different from box skip. In the latter, you use the boxes, but that's not the significant part of it; it's rather that you climb using the path between the boxes. In slide skip, the significant part is that you climb using the path between the boxes and the book staircase.

In Phantom Jump, you go in basically the same path as in no skips, your hammer is just pushing on a different part of the level, but that doesn't really matter. I'll come back to BlastMagic's genius analogy: "Imagine a string that you leave behind, what matters is the route it looks like you took if the string was pulled taut". The string shows the same route in no skips and in Phantom Jump, which is therefore not a skip. In my opinion.

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