100% in 1h 39m 38s by
Wideo dla tego biegu zostało oznaczone jako bezpieczne
By my standards, the cleanup section was near perfect. I don't know how I'm gonna live this Serris fight down though:
Tablica wyników
1h 39m 38s
In-Game Time
1h 05m 00s

Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez Splits.io
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | Missiles | 2m 45s 913ms | 2m 45s 913ms |
2 | Morph Ball Złoto | 1m 36s 575ms | 4m 22s 488ms |
3 | Charge Beam | 5m 06s 205ms | 9m 28s 693ms |
4 | Bombs Złoto | 4m 16s 976ms | 13m 45s 669ms |
5 | Hi-Jump/Jumpball Złoto | 3m 08s 807ms | 16m 54s 476ms |
6 | Speed Booster | 5m 52s 055ms | 22m 46s 531ms |
7 | Super Missiles | 5m 43s 690ms | 28m 30s 221ms |
8 | Varia Suit Złoto | 5m 38s 349ms | 34m 08s 570ms |
9 | Ice Missiles | 5m 12s 833ms | 39m 21s 403ms |
10 | Wide Beam | 3m 50s 975ms | 43m 12s 378ms |
11 | Power Bombs | 6m 33s 422ms | 49m 45s 800ms |
12 | Space Jump Złoto | 6m 44s 562ms | 56m 30s 362ms |
13 | Plasma Beam | 2m 26s 147ms | 58m 56s 509ms |
14 | Gravity Suit | 5m 19s 950ms | 1h 04m 16s 459ms |
15 | Wave Beam | 8m 25s 290ms | 1h 12m 41s 749ms |
16 | Screw Attack Złoto | 4m 07s 096ms | 1h 16m 48s 845ms |
17 | Enter Sector 3 - Cleanup Złoto | 4m 21s 175ms | 1h 21m 10s 020ms |
18 | Enter Sector 6 - Cleanup Złoto | 4m 50s 092ms | 1h 26m 00s 112ms |
19 | Adam stfu? Złoto | 9m 31s 921ms | 1h 35m 32s 033ms |
20 | Escape! Złoto | 4m 06s 701ms | 1h 39m 38s 734ms |
Updated video requirements and other rule changes
As of June 26th, 2024, all new submissions will require a full video in order to be accepted. We have also removed the caps on Nintendo Switch Online submissions, so runners on the platform are free to submit their converted times at any level!
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