Requesting a Sealand flag
6 years ago
Essex, England

There's a flag for every country including North Korea but none for Sealand. I need some representation.

SpeedyFolf, Pidgey, i Axxis podobało się to
United States

Huh, never realized Sealand had a neat flag.

There are a lot of countries that lack international recognition that would get added before Sealand.

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago
Gaming_64, SpeedyFolf i 5 inne podobało się to
United Kingdom

I reckon Sealand should be recognised here, after all the country is 51 years old :)

It doesn't really matter how old a country is though. South Sudan is only 7 years old and it's fully recognised, yet Sealand isn't recognised by a single UN state.

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 i 3 inne podobało się to
United States

I think that it should at least have a flag if someone wants it, whether it isn't recognized by the UN, this is the internet lmao

Bogdan_mk, blueYOSHI, i Axxis podobało się to

I think the point was that there are a lot of other countries that would have higher priority to be added than Sealand based on the fact that they're internationally recognized.

Pac to się podoba
United States

Given that Sealand is an uninhabited hunk of concrete in the ocean, nobody is from there, and I'm skeptical anyone's doing speed runs there.

CarkInTheDark, Jerome i 5 inne podobało się to

but how am I supposed to meme without my Sealand FLAG DUDE?!

Zachoholic, PresJPolk i 2 inne podobało się to
United States

ISO country standards IMO

blueYOSHI, Habreno, i Pac podobało się to

In Antarctica? Yeah people do live there, some times.


I’ll donate another $10 to keep my Antarctica flag

New York, USA

Being able to pay for a flag sets a precedent that might be of interest to somebody like Sealand dude. Is Antarctica allowed because it's legit or because somebody paid for it? If the latter, why not Sealand? If the former, you shouldn't need to pay anything to keep Antarctica around.


Antarctica has been on the site for as long as I’ve been here. I don’t know whether it was added as a joke or not.

Also, since apparently it wasn’t obvious, I was joking in my post. I donated $10 already to get the normal donator perks and to support the site so that was the joke.

United States

There are about 5000 scientists in Antarctica who may or may not Speedrun in their free time, so it was a decent idea to add an Antarctica flag. There are only 27 people in sealand, which is some sideways billboard/highway crossing type thing in the middle of the ocean. I doubt there are any speedrunners there. I guess if there was a runner there, he or she would have an audience of 26 people watching him or her play on Sealand's only pc lmao. Pretty late to add a comment to this thread, but I thought it would be funny to add something due to this thread being inactive for four years. I'm not a moderator, but I don't think sealand should be added. Maybe just as a joke.

SpeedyFolf to się podoba

I live in Sealand

SpeedyFolf i Pear podobało się to

[quote]would be funny[/quote]

Basque Country

"I live in Sealand"

  • @Komrade , Ohio, USA
SpeedyFolf to się podoba
Basque Country

so i searched for it and it seems to be like a literal platform in middle ocean and random houses that had some militar stuff at some point and someone considered it a nation with 20 people? that's an interesting place not gonna lie


Sealand flag isn't an option last I checked, so I picked the next worst thing.