The History of
11 months ago
Somerset, England

@Act_, @SkittlesCat will still have to piece it together lol. And I assume he has already looked at @Pac's old posts

@SkittlesCat, the site used to have an old changelog, which stopped being updated once Elo brought the site, and the page has now been removed with this new redesign.

There is an archived version here

I'd also look at the site's old News posts

Edytowane przez autor 11 months ago
CyanWes to się podoba

ok but bring back pac

CyanWes i YUMmy_Bacon5 podobało się to

I would even like to know some little-known facts about Elo obtaining this site

Not sure what exactly you're hoping to learn here, but the only people that know anything specific about the deal are Pac and Elo. Pac dropped off the face of the earth and hasn't been heard from since, and I doubt anyone at Elo is at liberty to discuss internal business dealings.

Ivory, CyanWes, i YUMmy_Bacon5 podobało się to