How many sion respect points do I have
3 years ago

Asking the real questions

Ivory, Pear i 2 inne podobało się to

maybe around 150. respect is hard to convert into numbers. got some extra for yumenikki pfp but lost some points for incorrectly capitalizing my name in the thread title. not that high because i just dont know you that well, i see you here and there in the forums but thats it.

Ivory, Pear, i Merl_ podobało się to
New York, USA

What about me?

Pear i Merl_ podobało się to

Around 260~. Seen you here for years. but again, havent seen you outside of src forums


Now I am also curious how many points I have

TwitterLover i Pear podobało się to

the standard 100. im not sure if i know you so you are at the base level


What did the chicken say before crossing the road?

“I’ll @SioN the other side!”

So how are my points looking right now?

Ivory, SioN i 2 inne podobało się to
French Southern Territories

I'm also curious




I'm curious about why @SioN is the final arbiter of points.

Gaming_64 i Ivory podobało się to

@jackzfiml 80 @Uniwersal i hate you :DD 170 @Merl_ 220 ive see you helping people here @Walgrey 140

@Oreo321 no idea. People keep asking me to tell their points

Merl_ to się podoba
Florida, USA

i already asked you in dms but im asking you again what my points are just to annoy you :D


@DNVIC (at least 800) @cats 250 + points for cats(the animal)

Merl_ to się podoba